Chapter 16

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Wonwoo's POV

It's been a week after that heartbreaking scene. The guys are shocked seeing me crying when i went back at the dorm. I didn't say a word and went straight to my room.

Well, I still can't move on with what happened. I shouldn't lose my temper that time. I just want to tell her about Hansol. It's not what I've expected. I shouldn't raised my voice at her. Maybe she got scared and said what she didn't mean. Yeah. Maybe that's it.

'Wonwoo Keep Dreaming. She'll never come back.'

"Aish! Stop it!" I covered my ears with my hands. If I can punch this conscience of mine, I'll totally do it.

What if I say sorry to her? Will she accept me again? I already say goodbye. WHY.DID.I.SAID.THAT?! We'll definitely see each other again because these idiots are inviting them to hang out. They'll suspect if I don't come. She's coming right?

'Yes she is. You're the only one who can't move on.'

Ugh. Please stop disturbing my life. I regret it all this time. Back then, people say that it's only puppy love. But I felt it, the thing called love. Until now that we met, be friends, and seperate again.

I jumped a little as the door burst open. "WHAT?! CAN'T YOU KNOCK?!" I threw a pillow right at his face.

"Woah. Easy hyung. Why are you like that?" Mingyu sat on his bed and opened his laptop. "You know hyung. You should talk to her."

"What?" I looked at him as he lay on his bed placing the laptop on his lap. He rolled his eyes. "Talk to her. If not, you'll be like that forever."

"I....I can't talk to her. I'll move on." I replied.

Yes. That's what I'll do. Move on.

He scoffed. "Hmm. Okay. But be ready if one day, she'll announce that Hansol is her boyfriend."

My eyes twitched at the moment. "He's been boasting about how he make her laugh and talked about how their date went."

"DATE?!" I raised my voice only to be shouted by the guys outside. Whatever. "Hmm. Hansol said it was a date."

I balled my hands and punched my bed. "He can't date Hansol." I muttered to myself and I went out of the room. I'm talking to Hansol about this.

'Keep dreaming. I told you if you talked to Hansol, he'll just hate you too like how much Jihae hates you now.'

I stopped walking after my conscience talked again. Jihae hates me? It can't be.

I felt someone tapped my shoulder. "Ah. Jisoo hyung."

"Let's talk." He walked to the balcony. What's the problem? I followed him there.

"Hyung. What's the matter?" I asked. His eyes are looking far.

"You know I like Jihae right?"

Well, that's a problem. I kinda forgot about him liking her. Because of a boy named Hansol. "Yeah. What about it?" I asked. Oh god. Please don't say that you're asking her too. He sighed. "I'm giving up."

I looked at him, shocked. He's the first one who liked her among those boys. Why Give up now? I know Jihae has a crush on him. It's obvious. "Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to be a problem to her future husband."

That part when he said 'future husband' he looked at me smiling. I don't know why but I smiled back. It's great hearing those words. Future husband? I know it's impossible. I looked away. "Hyung. We're not sure about that."

"But I know you'll do everything to reach that." He replied. Yes I'll do everything but we're not on good terms. Not just on not good terms but like not good terms forever. Why did I say that goodbye again? I want to beat myself up. "Hyung can you punch me?"

He looked confused. "You know I'll never do something like that."

I smiled knowing that he would answer that. I faced him and bowed. "Hyung. Thank you for all that you said. But I think I can't be her future husband. There are many guys out there. Maybe it's Hansol or someone else......But hyung, how did you know that I like her?"

I regret all that I said about him after he told me that he like her. Joshua hyung is really matured to understand all. I really look up on him.

"Well, I'm an expert when it comes to knowing someone's feelings. And I know why you came last week here crying. It's because of her. All the feelings that you showed us, it's all because of her." He chuckled.

"I...I don't have the courage to talk to her about our problem. I already ended it all." I scratched my head. "Well, everything can have a second chance." He said.

Well, that is our second chance. And the stupid me ended it. I made up my mind now. I'm moving on from her. It's for the best. And I know someone will make her happy more than the happiness I gave her back then. I can move on. I just need to distract myself. I don't care if the other's noticed that I'm avoiding, I'm moving on. That's it. Nothing will make me change my mind. She said that our promise is not important. So from now on, it's not important for me too. Promises are really meant to be broken. And we're meant to be broken. Sadly, but I know a new light will shine for the both of us. I don't know where or when but I hope it'll happen. I hope she can be happy with her life now. Without thinking her problems about me.

"Y..yah. Wonwoo ah. Are you okay? You're crying."

I quickly wiped my tears. Gosh. I didn't notice I'm crying already. "Please let's not talk about her again." I bowed to him and walked back to my room.

"Hyung! Look! It's..." He stopped talking as his eyes went wide seeing a big man crying again. I sat on the edge of my bed, my back facing him.

I heard the door opened and closed. He went out. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed. I'm a big guy crying my heart out. This is the last time I'll cry because of her. I lay on my bed and covered myself with a blanket.

I'll help myself move on.

Wonwoo oppa! Please! Your eyes are killing me! (T^T)

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