Chapter 3

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Jihae's POV

Our manager says we'll be interviewed in We Got Married. I'm a minor! I'm not ready for that.

"Haha. Jihae ah. Don't worry too much on the interview. Manager oppa said that we won't be partnered. It's only an interview." Angel unnie said.

"Oh. What group we'll be interviewed with?" I asked.

"Hmm. He said 'Seventeen'."

"I don't know them." I replied.

"Well, that's because you're so busy with practice and you don't have time for browsing the net and stuffs like that."

I sighed and lay on the sofa.

"Unnie, are they nice?" I asked.

"Who? Seventeen?"

I nodded in response.

"I don't know yet since I haven't met them but manager said they're near our age's so I think we'll get along."


"Yah. What are you two doing here?" Jaye unnie asked and sat on the sofa.

"Jihae is worried cause we'll be interviewed in We Got Married." Angel unnie replied.

"Aww. Maknae ah. We won't do it like what you saw in the tv. It's just an interview."

I don't know why I'm like this. I feel...nervous.

The other members entered and sat with us. And Jaye unnie told them about what I feel about the interview.

"I have an idea! Why don't we watch their videos to get to know them. For Jihae to not worry much." Seunghye unnie suggested.

Yeah. That's a good idea.

So we browsed their name and first, we watched their teasers. They had solo teasers.

First, S.Coups.

"Waaah. He's handsome!" Seunghye said.

Next, Jeonghan.

"He's prettier than us!" Angel unnie said.



Hoshi....'s's Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo oppa." I whispered.

"Oooh. You like him Jihae ah?" Hyunhee unnie said.

They started teasing me but after awhile we continued watching.

So that's why I'm feeling nervous. Ever since we broke up, I haven't heard any news from him.

Next, Woozi

"Wait. He looks like Yoongi oppa!" Jungmi said.

We all laughed cause he really looks like him.

Next is, DK.....



We're all amazed by his dancing skills. He breakdanced in the teaser.

Next, Seungkwan

"Oh. He's same age as you Jihae ah." Yvonne unnie said.

I smiled and continued watching.


"Waa. He's American! Jihae ah! You'll look good together!" Angel unnie said.

They're teasing me again. I like Wonwoo. *sigh*

Last is Dino.

"He's younger than me." I said.

"Jihae will be a noona!" Seunghye unnie said.

They really like to tease me, but I think they're trying to light up my mood. That's why I love them. ^^

So after the teasers, music video. 'Adore U' Then they're debut showcase. They're group is divided to 3 teams. The Vocal, Hip-Hop, and Performance team. That's kinda cool.

Wonwoo oppa is in the Hip-Hop team. He's a rapper? Well, his voice suits rapping.

So I can get to see him again.

What if he don't love me anymore?
Many girls will surround him now.
What if the fans knew about our relationship before?
Will they still support us?

"Jihae ah. Are you crying?" Seunghye unnie said.

I'm crying. I still love him after all these years. We promised before we break up that we'll wait for each other. Or I'm the only one waiting?

"Uh. Unnie. I'm sleepy. I'll go to my room. Goodnight." I looked down and went to my room.

I bury my head under the sheets of the bed. I cried and cried.

"W..wonwoo oppa."

*knock knock*

"Jihae ah. May I enter?" It's Angel unnie. We're sharing the same room.

"C...come in."

She opened the door and I felt her patting my back.

"Jihae ah. Tell me what's wrong."

Should I tell her about Wonwoo?

"I'll help you with your problem. Just tell me."

Okay. I'll tell her.

"Don't tell the other's." I said.

"I won't. I promise."

I got up and faced her.

"*sigh* Okay. Well, A member of Seventeen is my ex boyfriend."

"WHAT?!" She shouted.

"Shhhh! Unnie!" I convered her mouth.

"Wow. Jihae ah. I thought you never dated."

"Hmm. He's my first boyfriend. "

"Who's second?"

"None. After we broke up I never entered a relationship."

"Hmm. So who is it?"

"Its...W...Wonwoo." I looked down.

"You still love him?" She asked.

"I..I think...*sigh* Yes. I still love him."

I started crying again.

"Why'd the two of you break up?"

"His company has a non dating contract. The company gave Wonwoo a choice that if he doesn't sign the contract then he's not accepted as a trainee."

"Oh. Most companies are really like that." She said.

"So that's why we broke up. And next week, i can get to see him again. It's hard for me to meet him. I can't cry infront of the camera. I need to control my feelings."

We stayed silent for awhile...

"You can do that. You can act pretty well." She said.

"I..I don't know."

"So you'll talk when you meet?"

"Hmm. Maybe? What if he don't love me anymore?"

"Shh. Don't say that. First, you need to control your feelings. I'll back you up when you need it."

"Thanks unnie." I smiled at her.

"Yah. Too cheesy. Let's sleep."

We laughed and yeah...sleep.

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