Chapter 25

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Wonwoo's POV

I opened my eyes and saw her laying beside me. This is the first time I've seen her like this. Us, on one bed. I tucked some of her hair behind her ear. I smiled at the view. I'll do anything to be with her like this forever. There are many challenges that we have passed. Well, for me. I just woke up and everything seemed to be the way I wished it to be. I cupped her cheek with my hand and rubbed my thumb, caressing her face. She moved a little and slowly opening her eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked, totally regreting what I did. She smiled and shook her head. "I was really gonna wake up." She said in her morning voice. Her breath touched my face. I put my arm under her head. She leaned to my chest and hugged my waist. Our legs on top of another.

I groaned as I heard Seungkwan knocking on the door while singing really loud. She just chuckled and sat right up but I pulled her and she lay back down.

"We should go out there." She whispered. I hugged her tightly. "5 minutes."

She pulled back and quickly went out. 5 minutes is really quick. I should say 30 minutes or an hour. I lazily got up and went outside. I stretched my arms as I walked to where they were. I saw Jihae beside Hansol, again. Laughing like it's the last laugh they have. I shook my head. We already talked about that last night.

"Wonwoo oppa!" Jihae called me and I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at her. Hansol is not there anymore. I looked around and saw him behind me.

"I get it. I don't want to be the reason for you two to fight." He patted my shoulder and went to join the others.

I'm being really childish. I should be the one to understand it all but still they're feeling bad and tried not to get physically close to her.

"Uh....Guys?" I called and everyone looked at me. Jihae gave me a what-are-doing look. I smiled at her and turn my gaze to everyone. I gulped. "I'm sorry. If I was rude yesterday. I'm just.....I--"

"Hey. We all understand that you get jealous easily. We're already used to that. The kids are just teasing." Jeonghan hyung said as he cuddled with Angel noona. I think those two slept beside each other.

"I love you guys." I said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. They groaned and cringe about what I said.

After an hour, they all left leaving the two of us here. Now. What to do?

Then I remembered Angel noona taught me how to bake. It's still on my mind, all that she taught me. And I'm gonna ask Jihae if We Got Married really happened.

"Jihae ah?" I called her. She went out of our room and sat beside me.

"Do you remember that time in We Got Married? I baked a cake?" I asked, hoping that it's real. Her eyes wander around, thinking.

She smiled and nodded her head. I smiled widely knowing that it's real. So the memories I remember is still different when we're there. Because we're already together when that happened. That makes me really confused. I shook my head. I felt dizzy for a while.

"Yah. Are you okay?" She held both my arms. I put my hand on my head. "I....I'm alright." I replied.

She handed me a glass of water.

That was scary. This is the first time that I felt this dizzy. It's more dizzy than I got drunk. My vision became blurred.

I shook my head and forget about it. Maybe I just didn't sleep well.

The next few days, I'm really wondering why we don't go out of this place. Actually, it's just me. She would go out to buy something. It's like she's forbidding me to go out. I don't know.

"Can we go out?" I asked for the nth time. I wiggled her arm.

She shook her head. "No. It's so much fun here." She smiled innocently. The more she do that, the more I get suspicious. Since that day I woke up after being drunk, I never get to go outside. Are we really like this?

I sat on the couch of the living room. Avoiding her since the first time I asked her if we can go out. Why can't we?

She sat beside me and cling her arm to mine. "Wonwoo oppa." She called. I didn't respond as I looked the other way.

We both stayed silent. Until she uncling her arm and moved to the other side of the couch. What now? Is it my fault?

"I just want to spend time with you personally. We seldom have this week off." She sighed. "Yes, we always contact each other but it's still different if I can see you in person. If we go out, all our attention will be to our fans."

It's really my fault. I didn't think that there are fans roaming around the streets. She's right. I went to sat beside her and hugged her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I repeatedly said.

I don't know why I'm like this. The last time I said that I want to spend time with her. Now that it's given, I'm the one who has a problem.

Night came and we did nothing but to cuddle. Some people might say that it's boring but for me it's really not. Specially when you're with the one you love.

That's just cheesy. I'm gonna shut up about that. So the usual thing, we went to our room. I feel like we're a married couple.

"Oppa, we still have 3 days before the packed schedule comes again. What should we do?" She asked as she rubbed her hair with a towel.

I pulled her and we lay down on the bed. I kissed her lips and quickly pulled back, still our faces closed to each other. "This." I whispered.

She chuckled and pushed my shoulder lightly. "I don't think so." She jumped off of the bed and went to her desk to fix some things. You know that girl thing, there's a desk and a mirror in front.

I don't know why but I closed my eyes and suddenly drifted off to sleep.

"Wonwoo oppa."

Is that Jihae? Her voice sounded like she's crying.

"Oppa, please wake up." I felt her shaking my hand.

What is happening? All I can see is darkness.

"I Love You. Please wake up." I heard her sobs and feel her tears pouring on my hand.

I slowly opened my eyes. I saw her bowing down as she held my hand.

Where am I? It's all white. Al I can hear was the beeping sound and her sobs. I can't move but I managed to open my eyes.

'Jihae ah' I called her but it seems that I'm calling her in my mind. I can't speak. I tried opening my mouth but I can't. I tried moving my feet or my hands. Why can't I move?

'Look at me' I said in my mind. She sniffed and raised her head.

But before she can look at me. My eyes closed and I saw darkness again.

What is that? Didn't see that coming. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

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