Chapter 23

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Wonwoo's POV

My head really felt heavy. I'm already awake but I don't have the strength to open my eyes. I touched my forehead and think. Why am I like this? The last thing I remember is that Joshua hyung is drinking with me. Then I totally blacked out. What happened after that?

I slowly opened my eyes. I really felt dizzy but I managed to wander my eyes around. Wait. This is not my room. Different bedsheets, different side table, cabinet, and wallpaper. And there's only one bed. Where am I? I got off of the bed. I swayed a little because of the dizziness I feel. Oh there's a mirror. I walked going to it and looked at my reflection. Still me. Wait. There's a wound on my lips. What really happened last night? I walked to the door with my hand on my head. I twisted the knob and opened it.

This is not our dorm. Where exactly am I? I looked around the living room. This place is nice and cozy. I sat on the couch still my eyes wandering. Is this some kind of trick? They're playing on me.

I heard water flowing. Is that the kitchen? I got up and walked. I peeked thinking that I might be kidnapped. I'm not a kid anymore so. Nevermind.

I felt my knees are turning weak as I saw a figure. It's a girl. Her back facing me. Is she wearing my shirt? It's too big for her. It ended on her thigh. Her legs showing. Holy mother. Am I checking her out? I knocked my head repeatedly and ended up being dizzy. I bumped at the wall making a thud sound.

I panicked because she noticed that I'm here. She turned around and...No. No no no no. What is she doing here? I don't even know where this is!

"Oh oppa. You're awake." She smiled at me and turned her gaze back. I keep on clasping my hands. I'm going crazy. What is happening? Why is she wearing my shirt? Did we? No. That can't be. I don't even remember her with me last night.

"Jihae ah?" I called.

"What?" I jumped a little as she spoke. "Uh....N...nothing." I heard her chuckled. "I made you breakfast. Sit there."

Sit? I looked around and there's a table with two chairs. This is totally freaking me out. As she bend down and put the foods on the table, her shirt or rather my shirt is raising. I quickly looked away as I bit my lip.

"Ahh!" I felt pain on my lips. I remember there's a wound. I don't even know where that came from.

"Hey. Come here." She sat on the chair and nod her head motioning me to come. I shakily and slowly walked. I stepped back as she stood up and help me walk and make me sit on the other chair. She sat back and looked at me.

"Are you dizzy?" She asked. I nodded repeatedly making me dizzy again. I touched my head.

"Here. I made soup." She handed me a cup. My hands are shaking as I get it from her. "Th....thank you." I quickly finished it all in seconds. I watched her placing the foods on the plate. Then suddenly the collar of her shirt slipped off showing her bare shoulder. I looked down and tapped my fingers on my lap. Oh God, please help my hormones.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

I need to ask her about everything. I don't know what is happening.

"Uh....Why....why am I here?" I asked still looking down. I noticed that she's not respondong so I slowly raised my head and looked at her. Phew. Good thing that her shoulder is not showing anymore. She's looking at me confused. I should be the one to feel that.

"Joshua oppa send you here because you're so drunk last night." She replied.

Yeah. I remember drinking with him last night. "I kinda remember that. But.....why here?" She chuckled making me more confused. "What do you mean? This is our apartment."

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