Chapter 12 - Day 6

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Jihae's POV

"Where's Angel unnie?" I asked Seunghye unnie.

"She's in her room." She replied.

Yeah. It's already 10:00 in the morning and until now, she won't come out of her room. We even made excuses like we left something in her room but she won't come out. What's wrong? She didn't even had breakfast yet. Jeonghan oppa is really worried. He's upstairs waiting for unnie to open the door. Seunghye unnie said that after she wakes up, Angel unnie is all covered by her blanket. And it's summer! So she just walked out of the room but when she came back to get something, the door's locked and that's where it started.

"Ugh. I'll force her." I said then I went upstairs going to her room.

I saw Jeonghan oppa leaning his head on the door. He still keeps on pleading her to open. I tapped his shoulder.

"Oppa. I'll do this." I said.

After a while, he went downstairs. I guess he got tired. He's waiting for hours but unnie still won't come out.

"Angel unnie." I said as I knocked on the door.

No response. What's happening to her?
I've been knocking and calling her name for like half an hour.

"Unnie!" I whined while knocking on the door.

I decided to rest a bit cause she won't really come out. I sat on the floor as I leaned my back on her door. Then I decided to sing cause I like the moment here. Hoho.

"Unnie!" I called her name once again. Still no response. Well, here it goes.

'Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on let's go and play
I never see you anymore
Come out the door -- I sang in English but I paused cause the others went here to watch me as they laugh. Whatever. I'll still continue.

'We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why?
*click clock click clock*
Do you wanna build a snowma----aaaah!

I was about to lie down on the floor cause the door slightly opened but I managed to got up.

"There's no snow! It's summer!" I heard her say.

"Unnie!" I quickly stood up and turned to look at her. But....

"What the he---" i said looking at her but she pulled me inside her room. As she quickly closed the door.

I heard the others knocked. I just stared at her wide eyed.

"What happened to you?" I said.

"I don't know! When I woke up, it's like this!" She whined.

Wonder what happened? Three words. Bad-hair-day. That's it. Her hair looked so dry and it curled up. And her brush is stuck in her hair. I think she tried to comb it. We sat on her bed as she whined talking about her hair. She started to cry.

"Unnie. It's just your hair. Don't cr--"

"No! My hair is the most important part of me!" She said.

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