Chapter 22

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Jihae's POV

It's over right? I ended it. I told him to forget me. My feelings just burst out that time. I don't know why I said all those words to him. That really hurt him a lot. The way he said that he can't move on. It breaks my heart. The fans are hoping that we'll be back together. I guess that's not gonna happen. I overheard our CEO that their really planning on reuniting us. I really don't know what to do. A part of me wants to say yes but half of it says no. Yes because, I admit I still have feelings for him. Actually I kinda forget about him when I'm really busy with schedules or if I'm with Hansol. That date, I told him all. As in, all in all. I really trust him. Even if I dumped him after.

That time at the rooftop, when he can't control himself and cried while remembering the break up. I strongly held back my tears from falling. That hug, I really meant to do that. I want to comfort him. I don't know but something just held me back not to do that. He looks really broken, and so am I. If I break down infront of him, he'll think that I'm lying that I really moved on. I just want him to try going on with his life without me. We actually did it before. 3 years of training and that year after he said goodbye.

Our CEO said that our group and Seventeen are having a week break. Because of this news, our world tour is postponed. I felt sorry for the fans who totally expected that we're gonna be there. The company announced to the public that our group are having a break at the moment. The fans understood it and send us inspirational messages.

We're here locked in our dorm. Manager oppa said that there are reporters waiting outside and we might not know it, there are reporters who disguised themselves just to have a scoop.

"It's so boring here. They should just continue our schedule." Angel unnie said laying on the couch.

"Yeah. There are fans waiting for us." Jaye unnie added.

What we do in our dorm? Two things. Eat and sleep. That's it. It's really boring. We get used to that busy schedule and repeated dance routines. The news doesn't really affect the fans. Actually they supported us more. I felt bad because the CEO is being bashed.

"Jihae ah. You're phone!" Seunghye unnie said handing me my cellphone. Someone's calling.

Number. Who can this be?

"Hey. You shouldn't answer a call to a person you don't know." Angel unnie said.

I nodded and went to my room. I stared at my phone. Will I answer it? It's still ringing. "Hmm. Maybe something important." I said to myself and answered it.


A few seconds later. The person is not talking. I talked again but no respond. I was gonna end it but I heard......what is this? Heartbeat?

*dug dug dug dug*

"Who's this?" I asked. My mind is mixed with panick and confuse.

*toot too toot toot*

I looked at my phone as my eyebrows met. What is that? I sat on my bed and fiddled my phone. Should I call that person again? What's with the heartbeat sound? I looked through the received calls and stared at the numbers. I decided to save the number so that I'll know if he/she is called again. I saved it with the name 'Heartbeat'.

I stayed in my room until night. I don't feel like going out. I don't feel like talking either. My unnie's came to check if I'm okay. I replied to them that I need to think things out which they clearly understood.

Jeon Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo.

"Ahh!" I covered my ears with my hands. Why am I hearing his name?

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