Chapter 27

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Jihae's POV

I slowly walked in his room. I saw him looking around like a little kid. I smiled as tears started forming in my eyes. He turned his gaze on me and his eyes went wide.

"Jihae?" He raised his hand and reached for me. I stood beside his bed and sat on the stool.

"How are you?" I smiled as I held his hand. He smiled back and squeezed my hand. "I'm fine." He replied. His voice is creaky. Maybe because he didn't speak for a week.

He looked at his bandages. "How did I get all of these?"

I told him all that happened starting from the time where I went to their dorm until now. I don't know but as I told him that, he looked confused.

"Wait. So I've been hit by a truck?" He tried to sit but his wounds ached and he lay back on the bed. Maybe he don't remember because he's drunk that time.

I nodded. He looked like he don't believe everything I've said. "Hey. I'm telling the truth. Look at you. You're lucky because your head doesn't get hit that badly."

We stared at each other for awhile. What's with him? I think I'm taking back what I've said that his head isn't been hit. I scoffed. "You know what? Just talk to the others. Your mom is there too." I stood up and went outside.

The others went inside. I sat on the bench at the hallway.

He already woke up. What now? What will happen? I stared blankly on the white tiles. I sighed heavily as I shook my head. I'm always praying for him to wake up. And now it's already granted. As he sleeps, I'm always watching him. I can say that I almost live here in the hospital. It's all my fault that he got drunk. If he didn't do that, then that accident shouldn't had happened. I'm always here during visiting hours. I had told him all that I feel. But I don't know if he heard it because he's asleep.

"Hey. You alright?"

I looked at him as he sat beside me. "I don't know. Should I leave now? He's already awake." I said.

"Do you want to leave?"

I looked away after he said those words. I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave 'him'. I shook my head and I bowed down.

"Jisoo oppa. What should I do?" A tear fell from my eye.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Do what's right." He cupped my cheeks and made me face him. He wiped the tears that's falling from my eyes.

A smile crept on my face. More like a smirk. He noticed it and looked at me like I'm crazy.

"The girl that you'll fell for is very lucky to have you." I said.

He's too perfect. Attitude, talent, face. I still have a crush on him but like a fan 'crush'. Got that? I admired him for being so perfect.

He chuckled. "Yes. You're lucky."

"What?" I asked lowering my voice.

"Nothing. So! What are you going to do?" He leaned on the wall and crossed his legs.

Why do boys these days are used to crossing their legs? I mean, that's a girl thing right? Whatever. I don't care anymore.

"Hey. I'm asking you about that!" I whined and leaned on the wall. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. He always like to do that. I'm not a kid okay?

"Do you already know who uploaded the videos?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Negative. Even my fans are helping. Still no sign of who that person is."

That person is really good in hiding. We never got to trace him/her using that account. We even hired a hacker to hack that account but it's really complicated to access it. After that person uploaded all that videos, he/she never post anything.

"I'm going out for a bit." I stood up.

"Can I come?" He asked and put his hand together like a kid asking for his mommy a candy. I chuckled. "Yes, you may." This time, I'm the one who ruffled his hair.

We went to the nearest store and bought something to eat. It doesn't have too much people. The media still doesn't know that Wonwoo already woke up.

I feel awkward just by saying his name. (A/N: Author-nim problems.)

We found a table near beside the glass wall and sat on the chair. We ate and talked about everything. Even the people who passed by on the streets. We're laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"I'm really shy to ask favors to people." He said and sipped his drink.

"Hmm. Yeah. Figures." I replied. He glared at me and I coughed. "You're very gentle. Look at me. I'm crazy. I move wildly more than you."

He chuckled. "Yes. You're crazy. Really crazy."

"You can ask any favor to me." I said as I looked at the people passing by outside.

"Really? Any-thing?" He asked emphasizing that 'anything'. I nodded.

"Well. Hmm. Dance 'Touch my body' in the middle of the street." He smirked and wriggled his eyebrows.

I kicked his legs that makes his knee move up and knocked under the table. He just laughed after.

I crossed my arms. "You're crazy. And that is not a favor."

He copied me and crossed his arms too. "You're much crazier. And that is counted as a favor."

Woah. Where is the 'Gentle Joshua' that everybody has told me about?

"Jihae ah."

We both stopped teasing each other as I heard someone calling me. It sounded like a girl. I looked at Joshua oppa and he's looking at something behind me. I turned half of my body and looked behind.


She smiled and bowed. Joshua oppa and I stood up and bowed. It's my classmate, Kwon Minah. I still remember her telling me that I should stay away from Seventeen specially Wonwoo. Is she here to yell at me?

"Uhm..Do you need anything?" I asked. She looked uneasy so I let her sit with us. I'm still nice to her even if she's not nice to me. But as I looked at her, she's different. She looked really nice and her expression is not like a brat.

She bowed down. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I heard her sobs and hics. Joshua oppa and I looked at each other then back at her.

"What?" I asked.

She's crying heavily. "I...I'm sorry. Ji...Jihae ah." She said in between her hics.

"What for?"

It took awhile before she spoke.

"I.....I'm the person....who....who uploaded the....the videos."

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