Chapter 8

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Wonwoo's POV

"Wonwoo ah. Wake up." I felt someone tapping my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and look at the most beautiful girl.

"Jihae ah."

I hugged her and bury her face on my chest. Gosh. I missed this.

"Wonwoo hyung!"

Huh? Why'd she called me hyung?


Her voice is starting to get deeper until it sounded like a boy. She's pounding my chest too.

"Jihae ah?" I hugged her tighter.

"Hyung! Are you crazy?"

Wait. It sounded like Mingyu. Then I felt a slap on my face.....

"Hyung!" He yelled.

I opened my eyes and see Mingyu right infront of me. I'm hugging him as we are laying on my bed. I quickly pushed him and he fell.

"Why are you on my bed?!" I asked.

"Hyung" He scoffed. "You're the one who pulled me on your bed. And you keep on saying 'Jihae ah'" He said as he copy my voice and putting his hands on his cheek.

"Whatever." I jumped off my bed and started fixing it.

"Hyung. That got recorded you know?" He whispered to my ears.

My eyes widened as I've realized what i've done. Oh shoot. The fans are gonna go crazy.

"Just act like it don't happen." I whispered back at him.

He shrugged and walked to the door.

"Hyung. Go down if you've finished that. It's breakfast time!" He said as he make a derp face and went out.

After I fixed my bed I went downstairs. We said good morning to each other as I sat on my chair at the long dining table. The girls are taking their seats. As well as Jihae. Wow. This feels good to see her first thing in the morning. And it's only our 2nd day here. So we ate...uhm...why are they so noisy? They're just eating!

"S.coups sshi?" Jihae called.

"Yah. Don't be too formal." Coups hyung said.

"Yeah. You can call us oppa." Hoshi said.

Oh really guys? Yeah. That's good so that she'll call me oppa again.

"Ahh. Ne." She said looking down.

"But I'll call you Noona!" Dino said and all of us laughed at him.

"So are you gonna say something to me?" Coups hyung said.

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