Chapter 24

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Wonwoo's POV

I sat back on the couch and continued watching. It's a scary movie but I smiled all the way. If someone see's me like this, they'll think I'm a creep. I don't want to think about the past. I don't know why I suddenly forgot everything but I'm already here, with her. I'll never let her go.

I went to OUR room and sat on the bed. I haven't talk to the guys today. I got my phone and called Joshua hyung. A few rings and..

"Hello?" He spoke. Did he just woke up?

"Hyung, it's me."

"Oh. Are you okay now?"

"Yes. Uh...Hyung? There's something that really bothers me." I tapped my foot on the floor.

"What is it?"

Will I say it? He'll think that I'm crazy just like what Jihae did. Aish! I'll just tell him.

"This may sound ridiculous but, I.....I can't remember anything before this day. And I asked Jihae to tell me what happened but she told me things that I don't even remember. The memories I remember was different. I don't know how this happened." I explained.

There was a moment of silence until he spoke. "That is really ridiculous."

I sighed. I'm still confused. Why is my memory different? I just woke up and all my problems are now solved. I'm with Jihae now and we actually had an apartment. Just the two of us.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Uh.....Yes. I just feel different. But I'm okay. So! How are the others?" I asked changing the topic. If I ask more, I'll be much confused. And they didn't know what I was talking about.

"Well, the usual. Acting like a bunch of 5 year olds." We both laughed.

We talked for half an hour more. I keep on asking him why we drink last night. It couldn't be because of her because we're together now. He replied that we're celebrating because we have a week off. We're so busy with schedules that's why we celebrated it like that. That's it. I didn't know that Joshua hyung is drinking that kind. And me too, that's the first time I drink that. The last thing I remember, I'm too shocked because he suddenly invited me to drink with him. Now I know that it's a different reason why we did that.

I ended the call and tour myself around this room. I'm still not familiar here. There are two wardrobe's. I can tell who's wardrobe is because of the color. And there is a printed name of ours and it's sticking at each one.

Just a regular house. It got all that we need. The appliances are complete too. I wander around the apartment. I realized that it's kinda big for the two of us. Now I know why Joohyun hyung picked this for us.

She's not coming back yet so I decided to just use the tv. I opened it and browsed the channels. What is this? No signal? Where is the antenna? We're not in We Got Married anymore. Wait. Did that happened? I'll ask her later.

I just picked randomly.

Right at the middle of the movie, I heard the doorbell ring. She's here. I hurriedly ran to the door and opened it.

"Woah. Why did you bought so many?" I asked as I helped her carry those bags.

"The other's are visiting here tomorrow. You know how those boys eat." She replied.

I nodded. We went to the kitchen and put the foods in the refrigerator. They'll be here tomorrow. What if they talked about a memory I didn't know? I'll be out of place.

"I'll take this last bag. You.....just do whatever you want." She started putting out foods.

I watched her as she do that. I didn't speak until she put the last thing in there. I called her and she turned around to face me. I held her shoulder and pinned her to the ref. I went close to her face.

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