Chapter 15

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Wonwoo's POV

We're really bothered by Hansol. We heard him giggling in his room. Well, that's real 4D. Seungkwan, Dokyeom, and Hoshi can't help but went infront of his door and paste their faces on it. The three started smirking to each other. Okay what is happening? Hansol's voice became louder until the three idiots fell on the floor as Hansol opened the door.

"What are you doing there?" Hansol asked the three idiots who's now touching their faces. He's holding his phone on his ears. Ow. So he's talking to someone.

"We're just curious about the person you're talking to in that phone of yours." Seungkwan said crossing his arms. Hansol's face turned to a confused look. "It's just Jihae." He replied.

Wait. Jihae? As in MY Jihae? Hah! Emphasizing that 'MY'. Whatever. Why are they talking to each other? I thought she's busy with promotions. What is happening? I'm still dissapointed after she just snobbed my most beautiful dream about her.

I noticed that the whole dorm became silent until the others teased Hansol about talking to her on the phone at this night. Okay? So now my blood started boiling. I excused myself and went in my room where Mingyu is watching in his laptop.

"Oh hyung! Look! I'm watching 'Don't Look At Me' MV again! I'm so handsome here." I scoffed and jumped on my bed. Oh yeah. That MV. Ugh. More to add my temper. Why didn't they picked me as her partner in that MV? I'm acting too! And Mingyu did on that MV was JUST stare at Jihae, hold her hands, backhugged her, and wrapped his arm on her shoulder! That's JUST it!

"Hyung. Don't hate me if I did all of that in the MV. It's just work. And we can't like the same girl." He opened the door. "Maybe." He added and then went out closing the door.

My eyes went wide with a confused look on my face. What maybe? What does that mean? Oh no he can't do that. Why can't I only like her? Like only me like her?

'Wonwoo wake up! She's an idol like you! She has millions of admirers!' Oh my who's that? My conscience is talking to me. Right. I shouldn't be unfair. I'm an idol too. And not to brag but we have many fans.

"I need to find a way for us again."


"Hey guys look! Feisty is on the tv!" We heard Minghao yelled from the living room. We all hurried to have a spot infront of the tv. Well, as many as us, not all of us can sit on the sofa. I looked at the tv and they're being interviewed. They've been really popular.

"Ah. Jihae sshi. There are many boy groups debuting these days. I'll Give you a situation. If a member of a boy group would perform infront of you, which would you prefer? A vocalist or a rapper?" The host asked her.

Oh my. Please answer rapper. Please please please.

It took a while before she answered. "I would prefer a vocalist."

Whoo. My walls are falling. Why did I became a rapper again? I can sing too!

"I picked a vocalist because first of all, I'm a vocalist too. And I really like listening to vocals. It's kinda relaxing for me. Rapping is like twisting my brain." They all laughed including these people here who are vocalists. Only us Hip Hop Team and Dino who doesn't laugh.

"Rapping is cool! Jihae noona I hate you!" Dino whined and went infront of tv and keep on poking Jihae's face.

"Yah. Dino ah. She didn't say she hates rappers. She just liked vocalist more." Coups hyung explained as a understanding leader.

Well, It'll be great if she liked rapper too. Really. I auditioned in our company as a vocalist but I turned into a rapper. Anyway, it happened already.

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