Chapter 9

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Vernon's POV

I woke up hearing Seungkwan and Dino yelling.

"Yah. What are you guys yelling at?" I asked as I jumped off my bed.

"My cellphone's missing!" They both said.

"Where did you guys placed it?" I asked.

"It was just here on the cabinet, I put it here before I sleep." Dino said.

"And I put it in my bag!" Seungkwan said.

"Guys, maybe you've misplaced it. Look, my cellphone is.......WHERE'S MY CELLPHONE?!"

I looked under my pillow cause that's where I always put my cellphone. But it's not there! So our cellphone's are missing. Someone's behind this.

"Let's just go out." I said.

And the three of us went outside our room and only hearing repeatedly the words....


So all cellphone's are missing. What is this? I mean...who did this? We went downstairs seeing the girls preparing breakfast. We went to the living room and wait for the girls to finish.

"Yah. Have you seen my cellphone?" DK hyung asked Seungkwan.

"I haven't seen it hyung! All our cellphone's are missing!" He said, panicking.

So after we ate, we decided to go to the garden. It's really nice here. While Seungkwan, Dino, and the other hyung's will play again with the xbox. I got tired of playing, cause yesterday I played all day.

"Whaa~ This place is beautiful!" Jihae said.

Oh yeah. The girls joined us too. It's their first time to go here since the past two days. I'm here sitting at a bench and the flowers are surrounding us.

"Vernon ah." Jihae called as she sat beside me.

"Call me Hansol." I said. I'm more comfortable with my true name. Call me Vernon if I'm on the stage.

"Hansol?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's my real name. Chwe Hansol." I replied.

"Oh. I didn't know that." She chuckled.

She's cute when she do that. Oh no! Yah! Hansol ah! You shouldn't be like this! I know Wonwoo hyung likes her. It's really obvious. Like last, last night. Their holding hands. Ugh. Why am I even thinking about this?

"Hmm. So.....Hansol ah?"

I got out of my thoughts. I was dozing off a little.

"What is it?" I asked.

"'s...." She paused as she got the paper from her pocket.

"Read it." She said and handed me the paper.

'Hold hands with Vernon for 2 hours'

I gulped as I read it. Seriously? Hold hands? And with Jihae? Didn't i just say about the holding hands thing between her and Wonwoo hyung? I felt my face burning up. I can't blush infront of the camera! I bowed down as I calmed myself.

"Hansol ah? Are you okay?" She asked.

I looked up and smiled at her.

"I'm okay. So how are we going to know if it's 2 hours already?" I said.

"Oh. I have a timer here." She raised her hand as she held the timer.

"Hmm. Ok." I said as I intertwined my fingers with hers. And then she started the timer.

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