Chapter 17

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Jihae's POV

I still can't move on from what he said. Goodbye? That's it? Why did I say the promise is not important? It is important! That's the last time we saw each other. And now, Hansol is trying to get in my heart. Should I let him in? My heart is free now. But half of it still hurts.

Jeon Wonwoo why are you doing this to me? I love him. I really do. We're not meant for each other? I'm still thinking about him being my future husband. But now, it's totally not gonna happen. Seunghye unnie is right. His dream turned opposite. It's just a dream. A beautiful dream.

"Yah! Jihae ah!"

I snapped out of my sad thoughts. I looked at Angel unnie totally confused. "You look awful. Go get dressed. We're hanging out with Seventeen."

Wait. Seventeen? Oh no. "Uh...Unnie. I can't come with you." She shook his head. "Wonwoo won't be there."

"Huh? Why?" I asked. "I thought you don't want to see him. Now you're asking why. Just go get dressed. Hansol is expecting you." She finished dressing up and went out of our room.

I can't get his hopes high about me accepting him. But I should move on right? Maybe he'll help me. What if I tell him about the past? Will he accept me? He thinks that Wonwoo and I are just bestfriends. Nothing more. I know myself. I'm not the type of girl that uses another guy to forget the past guy. The things that Hansol did for me. I really appreciate it. But I still can't feel that spark. That butterflies in the stomach. Will I get to that point with him?

Oh my gosh. I shouldn't think about relationships first. I'm an idol. And so does he. It'll take a while before we get a day off and spend it with each other.

I shrugged off all the thoughts that I have and get dressed. Honestly, I missed Seventeen. I enjoyed being with them. At first, we're all awkward with each other. But after a few hours, yeah hours, we're all laughing and fooling around.

I went out of my room. Woah. Why are they here?

"Jihae ah!" Okay. I was greeted with a hug by SoonSeok. I pushed them as we laughed. The other's are watching tv and some are running around. He's really not here. Is he sick?

We went out of our dorm with Seventeen. They decided to go to Lotte World. Oh my. I'm imagining how are they gonna act if we're already there. You know, bunch of kids. They're more childish than me. I don't know anymore.

Unexpectedly, the boys paid for all of us. They said that that's how they missed us. Okay, too cheesy. Hansol is always beside me. Hmm. I noticed Joshua oppa is never leaving my side too. That doesn't mean anything right? I just enjoyed myself. The other's rode many rides while me, I don't feel it today. So Hansol, me, and Joshua oppa stayed and we sat on a bench near the fountain. I'm seated between them.

"Hyung. Why didn't you join the others?" Hansol asked Joshua oppa. He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm watching someone." Hansol and I looked confused. "Who?" We both asked.

"I need to watch on her because someone might steal her away from him." He replied. Okay? That didn't clear things. Steal her? Oh so it's a girl. I'm really confused. "Why would someone steal her?" I asked. He looked at me and chuckled. "Forget it. I'm gonna buy food. You two wait here." He stood up and walked away.

Now it's just me and Hansol. I don't feel right if I'm alone with him. Well, I really enjoyed it with him. These past days, he's always asking me if we can hang out together. He's my friend so if I have the time, I spend it with him. For sometime, I forget about my problems. He's just too 4D. But I'm bothered by him because he's not like this back then.

"Jihae ah." He called. I looked at him. His face is all serious. "Uh....I just want to ask.....uhm...What do you think about me?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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