Chapter 6

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Jihae's POV

After the interview, I saw from the corner of my eye that Wonwoo is walking my way. So I dragged Angel unnie out. We bumped to our manager and I said that we'll be waiting in the van.

"Hey. I thought you're gonna talk to him? Now, you're avoiding him." Angel unnie said as we went inside our van.

"I don't have the courage to talk to him." I said.

"You two break up on good terms right? So why are you like that?"

"I....I don't know."

"If you already have the courage, talk to him. You need to talk to him." She patted my shoulder.

I nodded and closed my eyes.

1 week after the interview, we actually bumped to them, Seventeen. We then always greeted each other. It's because we have the same debut day, so we always get to see each other in music stations. But, I really don't have the courage to talk to him. I know he always plans on talking to me, cause when we see each other, he'll walk up to me but before he comes close, i'll drag someone and walk out. The last time I did that, I dragged a member of seventeen. It's Vernon, was it? Yeah. He really blushed cause of that. That guy is so shy. It's because I just drag someone who is close to my position, without looking whom I dragged.

So here we are at the waiting room of a music station. Our promotions will end in 2 days. We're quite sad because of that but we'll be planning on our comeback after.

2 days passed and our promotions has ended. We held a fanmeeting and thanked our fans for their support. After the tight schedule, we then headed to our dorm.

"Ok girls. Your promotion has ended. But! You still have schedules to attend. And one of that is very major." Manager oppa said.

"What is it?" Hyunhee unnie asked.

"Hmm. I still don't know yet. Pd nim will be the one to say it to you girls "

We nodded and after a few minutes, he left. Then, we took a shower and went to sleep.

The following schedules are interviews for a foreign show. In Japan, China, Taiwan. We're really glad cause we are gonna be well known in that countries. But, what I'm thinking now is the 'Major' schedule that we're attending.

Then pd nim came in.

"Girls. Pack your things. We're going to somewhere." He said.

We all looked at each other with confused faces.

"Where are we going?" Jaye unnie asked.

"You'll see. Just ready your things." He replied.

So after we packed our things. Manager oppa lead us to our van. While we're on our way, he blindfolded us.

"Yah. What's happening?" Seunghye unnie said.

"This is not good. Not good." Jaye unnie said in English.

After minutes of silence, the van stopped.

"Girls, don't talk until I said so, got that?" Manager oppa said.

"Yes." We all said.

What is really happening? I'm starting to get nervous.

So someone lead me the way by holding both my shoulders. And then he/she make me stop and I think he leaves me here.

"Ok. You may remove your blindfolds." A familiar voice said.

I removed my blindfold. My eyesight is still blurry. And I saw them.

"What the..." I muttered.

It's Seventeen, again. And camera's surrounding us. What is happening?

"Hey. You all are probably wondering why you're here." Heejun sunbae said. He's here also. -_-

"Yes!" We all said that makes him laugh.

"You're all in We Got Married! Whoo!" Then a lot of conffeti spread out of the room.

We're all confused of what's happening. We Got Married?! Asdfghjkl X(

"Yah. Give some reaction." He said.

Then after a few seconds, they're clapping. I just stood there still taking in of what's happening. Angel unnie nudged my arm and give me the 'clap-your-hands-too' look. I sighed and clapped my hands also but my expression is still confused. And there are camera's everywhere! They're gonna air this in no time!

"Ok. Since you all look confused of what's happening, I'll tell you what you have to do here...."

We listened intently of what he's gonna say.

"I already said that you'll be in We Got Married all will stay in a house for 1 week. That's why they make you pack your things. And we'll just monitor you all of what's happening on your daily life. But since this is We Got Married, you need to have a partner. We'll not be the one to choose who your partners will be. You will choose, ok? And every 5 hours, we'll give you a task that you need to accomplish. Some tasks are individual and some are groups. So better be ready. Yeah. That's all. Next is you will go to where the house is. Bye~~~"

Then he went out. With all of the staffs and the camera men went out with their cameras, leaving us dumbfounded.

"Unnie. What just happened?" I asked Seunghye unnie.

"We Got Married." She whispered.

I whined and sat on the floor.

"What is happening?" I said looking down.

"Hey, it'll be alright." A guy voice said.

I looked up and there stood Joshua.

"Uh...Joshua sshi." I said.

He knelt down on one knee.

"Call me oppa."

I kinda blushed of what he said, so i looked down. Gosh! Why does he have to be so handsome?!

"" I'm stuttering.

Who wouldn't if someone that handsome asked you? My feels are overpowering. XD

"Hey guys. Let's go." I think their manager said that.

"See you later." He ruffled my hair and went out with the others. Leaving us girls here.

Wonwoo's POV

Uh......We're in We Got married? I can't believe this.

"Hyung, is this for real?" Mingyu asked.


"I'm too young for this!" Dino whined.

And then I saw Jihae sitting down with Joshua hyung kneeling infront of her.

What are they doing?

Then Jihae looked down. Is she blushing?! What the...

"Hey guys, let's go." Manager hyung said.

I looked back at them and Joshua hyung ruffled her hair. What is going on?

As we're on our way to the house, I decided to ask Joshua hyung about Jihae.

"Jisoo hyung." I called him.


"Are you and Jihae close?"

"We're not......yet." he smiled.

Yet? What does that mean? Don't tell me he likes her? No no. I can't compete with him! Ugh. He did his first move. He made her blush. So that means Jihae like her too?!

"Aaaah. Stop it. Stop it." I keep on knocking my head.

Mingyu nodged my arm and glared at me.

"Hyung. You're not yourself again." He said.

I sighed and looked outside the window.

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