Chapter 21

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Wonwoo's POV

I walked back at the practice room. My head bowed down. Every staff that I've passed asked me if I'm alright. I just nodded and continued walking. I'm really happy that I got to hug her for a couple of minutes, but it all end quickly. I walked in and saw the guys pacing back and forth. As they saw me, they keep on throwing me questions. I can't understand what their saying because I'm occupied by what happened earlier. After that hug...


She pulled back and wiped her tears. I cupped her face and looked at her beautiful eyes. "Jihae ah. I'm sorry. You know I hate seeing you like this. I..." She cutted me off by shoving my hand.

"You hate seeing me like this? Then leave me alone! I'm already contented with my life! Then, that videos came out! I'm enjoying my life now without you. I can say that I already moved on. And now, I'm seeing you like this! Just.....Just get out of my life!" She walked away leaving me dumbfounded.

"That hug!" I said loudly making her stop. "Why did you ask me for a hug? What does that mean?"

She turned to face me. She chuckled. "I only did that because you look so pathetic remembering that scene. You're so pathetic that you can't move on..."

"Yes! I can't move on!" She jumped a little at my loud voice. "I really can't move on! It's just......" I paused and sighed heavily.

"You're right. I'm so pathetic that I can't move on. It's because I love you so much that everyday of my life I think about you. About our memories together. About our promises. I'm so pathetic that a girl like you would love me as much as I do. You have many admirers to choose, that's all better than me. I'm so pathetic that I still love you. You already moved on while I'm still hoping that we can be back together." My tears started forming in my eyes. I quickly wiped it off before it falls. "I'm so pathetic! I get it!" I roughly ruffled my hair.

By the time I looked at her, my stupid tears flows down on my cheeks. She's looking down. "J...Jihae ah. I'm still hoping for the two of us. But.........I knew that it's impossible."

She turned around and walked to the door. Surprisingly, it's not locked anymore. Before she walked out, she said the words I don't want to hear ever from her.

"Please forget me."

*End of Flashback*

I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized the whole room is silent. I'm looking down. I looked at them and their face is all worried. I'm confused that they reacted like that.

"Why are you all silent?" I asked.

Coups hyung pointed at my face. "You're crying."

"Huh?" I put my hands on my face. It's wet. I'm crying? I quickly wiped it all off with my hands. "This...this is nothing." I said.

"What really happened up there?" Jeonghan hyung said as he crossed his arms.

So they knew that we're locked up there. The CEO planned this. I shrugged. "We're over." I replied. They all gasped except Hansol who's sitting at the edge of the room, looking down.

"Why? I thought you'll talk things out?" Joshua hyung asked. "We talked. But.....she already moved on. I can't do anything about it. She even said that I should forget her." I replied.

The door opened revealing our CEO. We greeted him and bowed. He looked straight at me. "So....Wonwoo ah. How did it go?" He asked like he doesn't do anything.

This just makes the situation worse for Jihae and I. We're now stable with our individual lives, and then this happened. It only got more complicated. He realized that I'm not replying in his question.

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