Chapter 10

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S.Coups POV

I seriously think that I'm no one in this story. That's why author-nim gave me a POV.

(A/N: Ow. Seungcheol oppa. That's not what I meant.)

Anyway, as usual. We woke up, eat, being lazy all day. Come to think of it, I haven't given a task yet. And I don't know who's my partner. Jeonghan has Angel. Uhm. I really don't know who's the partner of Jihae. Vernon? Joshua? Or Wonwoo? Well, I can't protest to that cause she's really pretty and talented and the mood maker of their group.

Hey, I'm not liking her too. I have someone in mind. Author nim! Make my love story too!

(A/N: Just wait! You're not the main here!)

Oh okay.

So it's our 4th day here. Time flies so fast. We're here sitting at the living room watching cartoons, again. I want to watch horror. But my dongsaengs likes cartoons more. Specially Hoshi. Even Joshua likes cartoons. His favorite is....uhm...what's the title again? Adventure Time? I think it's that. Ugh. What should I do with them?

After hours of wandering around the house, the task comes in. It's for Seungkwan, DK, and Jihae. This is different cause it comes with a cellphone. What are they gonna do with that?

I was walking around the garden. I saw Seunghye sitting on the bench, alone. She's staring at the flowers. I looked around but it seems that the other's are already inside. I decided to join her there. I coughed a little so that she'll notice me.

"Oh. You're here." She said looking at me but then after, she looked back at the flowers.

I kinda stared at her for awhile. She's pretty.

(A/N: FYI Seungcheol oppa! She's the visual!)

Ugh. I know that. She smiled a bit while looking at the flowers. Guess she really likes them. How to be a flower?

"Uh....Can I sit with you?" I asked.

She nodded, still looking at the flowers. What should I say?

"Seungcheol ah." She called and looked at me.

Wait. Did she just called me by my real name? And why am I feeling something in my stomach? I held my stomach and looked at it.

"Yah. Are you okay?" She asked.

She put her hand on my shoulder. Ugh. This is so embarassing. I quickly shoved her hand, and without me saying anything, I left her there. I ran until I got in the house. What is happening? Why is my stomach like this? Did I eat something bad?

I went to the kitchen and drank some water. Finally, the thing on my stomach stopped. I can't feel it anymore.

"Seungcheol ah. Are you okay?" Joshua said as he stood beside me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

He drank some water, he was about to leave when I stopped him.

"Yah. Is there something that you put in our breakfast this morning?" I asked. Cause he's the one who cooked our breakfast.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Hmm. I don't know. My stomach just didn't feel well."

He scanned me from head to toe and then he spoke.

"Really? Our breakfast was just omelette and bacon." He replied.

Oh yeah. There's nothing wrong with omelette and bacon. But why did I feel like that?

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