Chapter 29

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'May 15, 2010. Punishment'

"Ms. Lee? Late again eh?" Our teacher said tapping her stick beside the table.

Oh no. I'm doomed. I slept late last night because of him! Jeon Wonwoo. How dare he confess to me like that?

I bowed at her and walked to my seat. I sat on the chair. As I turn to look infront, I saw our teacher is right infront of me. I stared at her waiting whatever she would say. She's holding her stick as she crossed her arms touching her stick on my shoulder.

"Where's your assignment?"

Shoot. I forgot that we have an assignmemt. Because my mind is occupied by that guy!

I laughed sheepishly as I slowly looked at her. She tapped her stick repeatedly on my shoulder. I tensed up and gulped.

"Ms.Lee. Outside. Hands in the air." She said sternly.

I exhaled loudly and walked out of the classroom.

"If I saw your hands are down. You'll help in cleaning the toilets and 2 hours detention." She added.

I just make face and have no choice but to do this. Again. I kneeled infront of our classroom and raised both my hands.

5 minutes passed and my arms are totally aching. I grunted and moved my arms up and down to ease the pain and stretch it up high.

10 minutes. I can't move my arms. I can still feel the pain. And my legs are feeling electric. I hate it when that happens. I just lowered my head and felt the pain.

15 minutes. My tears are forming in my eyes. I lowered my head more. I look really pathetic crying over such a thing. But my arm really hurts!

And then I saw someone kneeled infront of me. I looked up and there he is. The person I've been thinking of the whole night.

"Aish. Look at you." I heard him said and wiped the tears that's flowing down my face. I bowed down as I felt my heart beating fast. This is really not the time for that. And my arm is aching.

"You should go. Our teacher might see you and--" I stopped as I felt his hand held both my wrist supporting my arms.

I don't know what to do. My brain isn't functioning well. What I know is that my heart is beating rapidly. I opened and closed my hands repeatedly as I felt it sweating.

"Relax your arms." He commanded.

I felt extreme relief and I exhaled deeply after I did what he said. He held it for like 10 minutes and I can feel his hand shaking.

"You can let go now." I said.

I heard the bell rang and he automatically let go.

"See ya later." He whispered and ran away just in time for our teacher to walk out of our classroom.

"Stand up." She ordered.

I wiped my knees and shook my hands. It didn't hurt that much.

"Be late again and you'll clean." She said and walked passed me. I bowed at her.

The video ended. I smiled all throughout the video. I really look pathetic. I clicked randomly and the video started.

'July 25, 2010. Official."

I tensed up a little. This video.

I walked up the stairs until I reached the rooftop. I saw him walking around as he keeps on wriggling his hands. I stopped myself not to laugh at him cause he looks really nervous.

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