Chapter 30 - FINAL CHAPTER

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Okaaaay! So i've changed something in this last chapter. Jihae didn't turn off the whole hospital's electricity. Just the hallways. LOL. Many of you reacted to it. Yeah. So i'm sorry. ^^


I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I exhaled deeply. I'm still gonna act when they arrived here. Then I decided to watch more videos of us. As I watched it, I got teary eyed not because of sadness, but all I can feel was excitement. The heaviness in my heart are slowly getting lighter.

An hour passed and as what Angel unnie said, they arrived. I went out of my room and saw their gloomy faces. I'm sorry my unnie's, this won't last long. I greeted them but they just walked passed me and went to their room. Angel unnie was left here. She stood infront of me.

"Jihae ah." She called.

"Unnie, I love you." I said.

She looked at me confusingly. And after, her face turned shocked. "Is that why you don't want to accept him?"

"What?" I asked. I really don't understand. What's she saying?

"You don't want to accept him because you love me. You're a lesbian?!" She stepped back and pointed straight to my face.

Whaaaat? I shoved her finger that's right infront of my face.

"Ahh! Don't touch me!" She shouted and moved away from me.

Oh my gosh. Why would she think of that? "Unnie! Listen! I said that because you're very nice to me and you're always there when I'm so down. You're always comforting me even if you're weaker than I am. Even if you're brain is more childish than I am." I breathed heavily. "Unnie, I love you. But not that kind of love!" I whined and stomped my feet.

I just want to thank her for all that she did for me. Because my heart is almost contented right now. I don't expect that she'll think that way.

She looked from left to right and then at me. She smiled sheepishly. "Ahh. Why didn't you say so? Ahaha. Thank you if you feel that way."

I chuckled. "Unnie. You're so stupid."

Her face turned into anger. "Yah! I'm older than you!" She smacked my arm. I just laughed. And her face changed into sadness. Oh my gosh. Is she pregnant? That mood swings thou. I'll ask Jeonghan oppa later.

"What about him?" She asked.


"Wonwoo. He's expecting you to--"

"Unnie, please. Please respect my desicion." I cutted her off and showed her my sad face. She sighed. "Okay. I'll be in my room." She walked away.

It didn't feel right that my unnie's are avoiding me.

I'll do it at night. He's still in the hospital. But visiting hours are until 9 pm. I'll sneak in his room and scare him. I grinned. This will be really fun.

I sat on the couch in the living room and waited. My unnie's are still avoiding me and Angel unnie just gave me a weak smile. They came out of their rooms to get some water and then go back again. I watched tv until night. I kinda slept for awhile. I woke up and the rush is flowing through my body.

Time check: 10:30 pm.

I slept that long? I should go now. The whole dorm is silent. They're all probably sleeping by now. I just get my jacket and cap. I also brought my laptop and that USB. And then I went out. I called a cab and off we go to the hospital.

I'm a little bit nervous about sneaking in. Honestly, I've done sneaking in and out many times. But not in a hospital. I hope no one sees me.

Okay. First thing to do is plug out the electricity. Of course, there are cameras around there. But they don't have cameras in each rooms. Just the hallways. I saw where the switch is. At the back of the hospital. I found out about that when I'm taking a blood test. Just finding out what my blood type is. Anyway, I walked slowly until I reached it.

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