Chapter 18

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Wonwoo's POV

*1 Year After*

A year of pain ang loneliness, for me. I don't know about her. I haven't talked to her for more than a year. Even if we got to see each other at music stations, and sometimes our group and her group have the same interviews. I've never been this awkward in my life. I'm more close to the other members cause we'd eventually talked to each other while she, as usual avoids me and talked to the other guys.

At some point, I truly regret being an idol. We're surely still be together if we don't auditioned. We'll still be walking freely on the streets, holding each others hand. We'll still be going out, not worrying about any problems. That's what I imagined if I we weren't become an idol. But it happened already, and it's our dream. Since the two of us met and became friends, we never stopped talking and dreaming about how our life would be if we become an idol. You really don't know what it means until you've experienced it. And now, we're like this. Treating each other like strangers. Not even glancing.

Our last meeting wasn't that good right? It really wasn't good. I totally regret all of it. I don't think I have the guts to talk to her. It's been a year. Did she moved on already? I think? Yes. I'm not sure but Hansol and her are going out many times. I can't even count it. Are they dating already? I looked over to the internet and the fans are now shipping the two of them. There are pictures also of them going out and having fun. But the two of them said that it's just a 'bestfriend' going out.

The smile on her face when she's with Hansol. She looks really happy. I haven't had the chance to ask Hansol about it because he might think something. He looked really happy too. But I'm bothered at that day when Hansol came to our dorm, crying. He punched the wall and it made a hole. But after a few days, he's back to normal and they continued going out.

What if at that time in We Got Married, I told everybody that we dated? It's been a hot topic among the fans that I revealed she's my first kiss. But it just erased quickly from the topic and Hansol and her are their next topic until today. The fans just treated me and her as middle school bestfriends.

I should be happy now right? That she's contented with her life, without me. They also got their first win, just like what Ms.Shin said. We congratulated them and we all had a party. We won many awards. But still, the both of us are avoiding each other. I don't know but the other's are not bothered about us. Do they know already? Or they just got used to it.

I actually went to talk to Ms.Shin about that 'future husband' thing. But she just chuckled and said that I should do what I have to do. What does that mean? Fortune tellers are really confusing.

I sighed and looked over the window of our van. I remembered the time that I'm very excited about meeting her after 3 years. But it ended up to her avoiding me. I smiled at my thoughts. It started with happines, that I got to see her again. I get to hold her hand, stared at her, hold her face, and that piggy back ride. I hope it last forever but it didn't. All things comes to an end. And that ended a year ago.

We're currently promoting our 2nd Full album. Feisty is on world tour. They became really popular. I think they're in Japan today. I remember her back then when we're high school. She used to watch many anime's and reads manga's. She really loved them and wished that she can visit Japan. She even tried cosplaying. All her wishes came true.

I should be there with her.

Aish. I should stop thinking about her. It's all over. Ugh. I keep on saying that since that day.

And what more can I say? There had been couples that the fans are shipping between our group and Feisty. Like Angel noona and Jeonghan hyung. Fans called them 'Angel' couple. Well, they're real alright. Jeonghan hyung finally confessed to her but Angel noona can't accept yet because of their busy schedule. But one things for sure, she liked him too. Next is Coups hyung and Seunghye noona. The 'Dense' couple. Why dense? They're BOTH so dense! Coups hyung keeps on saying that he doesn't like Seunghye noona but he actually said 'I Love You, Seunghye ah.' In his sleep. While Seunghye noona can't feel that Coups hyung liked her. I mean, it's so obvious! Why can't she feel that?

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