Chapter 28

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Jihae's POV

The whole place turned silent. And her sobs are the only thing that can be heard.

I don't know what I'll do or feel right now. Should I be mad at her? Or thank her for making me realize all the memories that I shouldn't ever forget? I just watched as Joshua oppa gave her a hanky to wipe her tears. I stared at her not knowing what to do.

"Are you the one who recorded all the videos?" Joshua oppa asked.

She nodded and damped the hanky repeatedly on her face.

"How?" I finally talked and asked her.

I can see on her face that she really regret all the things that she did.

She lowered her head and exhaled heavily. "In middle school. Wonwoo and your brother are really popular in our school. I'm a secret fan so they don't know about me. One time, I followed them as they walked to another school. I found out about you. That your Joohyun's younger sister. They always wait for you in your school and you three walk together until you reached your house. I started recording when you moved to our school. We're the same year. And luckily, your classroom is just infront of mine. Wonwoo and Joohyun always wait for you outside your classroom. Then I found out that you and Wonwoo have feelings for each other. I knew that you both are wanting to be idols. I really planned from then on that I'll post the videos when you became an idol." She paused and looked at me.

"I didn't know that it'll turn out like this. I'm really sorry. About Wonwoo. That accident will never happen if I didn't posted it on public." She held both my hands tightly. Her hands are shaking. "I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. Please forgive me." She added as her tears won't stop falling.

I looked at her thinking of what to react. I didn't expect that it's her that posted the videos. All this time, it's her. My classmate. So until now, she's been watching me? She's my classmate since I first moved to that school.

"Uh....Jihae? I'll leave you two for awhile." Joshua oppa said. "I'll be there in the hospital." He added.

I nodded and he stood up and bowed at the two of us. I looked back at her. She's bowing down, sniffing from time to time.

I held her hand. She looked up at me. "I forgive you." I said and smiled.

She smiled wildly and pulled me to a hug. "Thank you! Thank you very much!" She repeatedly said.

I'm quite uncomfortable because at school she's really, I might say mean? And now, we're hugging. We both seperated from the hug and smiled.

"About Wonwoo. How is he?" She asked. Her face turned into full guiltiness.

"Don't worry. He's already awake." I nodded.

"Oh my gosh! Really?! That's good news! Oh my gosh! Thank you!" She wildly said. It's a good thing that the only persons here is the cashier and the two of us.

I just watched her as she repeatedly asked me questions. I chuckled. Why is she being so mean to me at school? By the looks of her now, she's just like me. Crazy.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!" I held both her shoulders.

She breathed heavily as she touched her chest. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"He woke up like an hour ago. I..." I paused as my eyes grew wide. She gets the drink that Joshua oppa used awhile ago and sipped it's straw.

"What the. You're drinking his leftover." I leaned on my chair.

She shrugged. "I'm drinking Seventeen's Joshua's leftover. Isn't that great? It feels like I kissed him." She said and sipped again.

That is totally gross. I watched her as she checked on Joshua oppa's leftovers. She even put the straw in her bag.

"Why are you mean to me at school?" I suddenly asked. She stopped whatever she's doing and looked straight to my eyes. "I thought that you'll hate me after I posted those videos so I became mean to you so that you'll hate me more after you find out that it's me...........I thought wrong."

"You really want me to hate you?" I asked. She shook her head. "Honestly, I don't. Why are you nice to me now? Shouldn't you be more mad at me because the only person who's very mean to you is the same person who almost ruined your career?"

I might say yes about that 'the only person who's mean to you'. I chuckled. "No. I think that there is a positive thing about you posting the videos in the public."

"What?" She asked.

I smiled. "It kinda help me and Wonwoo remember our past. Before you posted those videos, we're really not on good terms. He actually asked me if we can be together again."

"Really? So you two are together now?" She asked.

I felt a pang in my heart after I heard her asked. I want to say yes. But let's face the reality that it's a big NO. I shrugged. "No."

"What? Why?"

I started playing with my cup of coffee and sighed. "I don't think we'll be together--"

"WHAT?!" She shouted.

We'll probably be kicked out of here because we're too loud. I looked at her as she opened her bag and got something. She showed me a USB and put it on the table infront of me.

"Here's the original file of the videos. I'm giving it to you." She said and leaned back on her chair.

I stayed silent and stared at the USB. Why did she gave me that?

"I gather up all my courage to say to you that I'm the person who uploaded the videos because I felt really guilty about what happened to Wonwoo. I thought you two are together. I felt guilty for you too. But...." she paused and leaned forward. "Why do you think that you two aren't getting back together? The whole public wants you two for each other. What's the problem? You said he asked you already. What's stopping you from accepting him again?"

She looked like a detective interrogating a criminal.

What's stopping me? I really don't know.

"Watch those videos in that USB. There are videos that I don't upload. There's many actually. Watch it and make up your mind if you want to accept him or not." She stood up and left.

I was left here staring again to that USB. I slowly moved my hand closer to it but quickly backed away. In that USB are all the memories we had back then. I closed my eyes and think.

I got my phone from my bag and called Angel unnie.

"Jihae? Where are you?"

"Unnie. I'm going back to our dorm. I have something to check on. Take care. Bye!" I ended the call before she ask me questions. Joshua oppa didn't told them where I am? Guess he think that I needed privacy.

I called a cab and told the driver the address. We arrived after 10 minutes. I paid and went straight up going to our dorm. I went to my room and locked the door. Just in case my unnie's followed me. I sat on the bed and opened my laptop.

"Okay. This is it." I muttered as I closed my eyes. I breathed in and out. I opened my eyes with a persevere look. I got the USB in my bag.

I opened the file and what surprised me is that there's really many videos. Is she recording the whole time at school? The names of each video are the dates when it has been recorded. I clicked a random video, middle of all the videos.

'May 15, 2010. Punishment'

Is the title of the video.

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