Chapter 4

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Wonwoo's POV

Time is really running slow! It's Sunday! And the interview is on Wednesday!

We just finished an interview in a radio station. It's fun but she really can't get out of my mind! I sighed and looked outside the window of our van. We're going to a radio station.....again!


I got startled by him shouting and shaking my arm. I smacked him on his shoulder and make him wince in pain.

"Ugh Mingyu ah..what do you want?" I asked irritated.

"N....nothing. I'm just worried about you cause you've been spacing out for the past two days." He said while scratching the back of his neck.

"It''s nothing." I said turning my gaze back at the window.

"Wonwoo ah. You can't be like that. You have to be full of energy. Our schedule is packed." I heard Coups hyung said.

"Yes hyung." I replied.

I'm being like this cause of her. It's been 3 years that I haven't seen her. And I'm being too excited to see her again. Or is it just me?

"Uh....Wonwoo hyung?" Mingyu called me.

"What?" I said turning my gaze to him.

"I'm sorry hyung....for getting you startled. I just want to lighten up your mood." He said.

"It's okay." I smiled at him and he returned it. (A/N: Kyaa~ WonGyu feels~)

Then they don't bother to talk to me. Sometimes, I'm really like this. Spacing out, staring at nothing. But if that time comes, they know what to do. And that is not bothering me. They understand me, a lot.

*4 days later*

This is the day! We're now on our way to the building where we'll be interviewed, with Feisty! Gosh, I can't wait. Are they there yet? But it's still early. I keep daydreaming about her welcoming me with a hug and a bright smile. I smiled at my thoughs.

"Hey. Look at Wonwoo hyung. Smiling like a creep." I heard Seungkwan said that makes my smile fade.

I glared at him and he shrugged it off and looked infront. So I'm seated at the back.

"I know why he's like that! It's because...." I stopped him from saying anything by covering his mouth with my hand.

Aish..Mingyu ah. You dare say it and I'll....ugh. Well, he knows already about Jihae and I. Cause I ACCIDENTALY say it to him.


"Mingyu ah! Does this look better? Or this?" I said as I held two shirts.

"It's that one." He replied as he pointed at the white baseball polo shirt.


"Hyung. You tell me to pick, and I picked. What's with the question?"

"Sorry." I said with an apologetic smile.

"Ugh. Ok. Just wear under that a tshirt and wear that and don't button it."

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