Chapter 13.5 - Day 7

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Jihae's POV

Okay. So after that interrogation thingy. It's really not a big deal that i knew Wonwoo since then. Really. It's not a big deal. Well, i really want to tell my unnie's about us but as always there are camera's. I don't want to gain many haters. I really think i have haters now. They'll be like 'Don't come near our oppa's'. I mean, we're just humans like them. And we're not the one's who put us in this situation.

Anyway, we went downstairs after all that talk.

"Really Jihae ah. Why didn't you tell us that you knew Wonwoo hyung?" DK oppa asked.

Before I tell him my reply, the others looked at me curiously waiting for my answer. They all look creepy.

I shrugged. "You didn't ask." I replied just like what I've told them earlier. "When did you first met him?" Suga oppa suddenly asked.

Okay. So the boys are now interrogating me. "I first met him in my house. He came with my brother. Then, he's always there every weekends...."

"Okay okay. We get it." Jungkook oppa said stopping me from talking.

"I assumed that Wonwoo oppa told you already." They nodded.

By the way, where is he?

"Oh Wonwoo hyung! Where have you been?" Mingyu asked.

Woah. Why do I feel like he just suddenly show up after I think about him. What am I thinking? It's called coincidence.


I looked to the person beside me. "Uh...Hey." I replied. I didn't realize that he sat beside me.

"Yah. You two! We're not finished asking." S.Coups oppa said as he sat on the sofa eating chips.

Wonwoo and I looked at each other and then back to them. I'm glad that we're not awkward anymore.

"Okay. What's your question?" Wonwoo oppa asked.

"When did the two of you first met?" V oppa asked. "Middle school." I replied. "I'm only 12 and she's 9." He added.

Yes. We first met in middle school and he started courting me when I turned 11 and he's 14. And since our birthday's are close, we celebrated it together with my brother. My birthday is just 3 days after him. We're so young right? But I don't know why he courted me back then and when the time that he keeps on asking me, I kinda like him too. And that like turned into love.

"So in other words, you two are childhood friends." Jin oppa said. We both nodded. "You can say that." I replied.

We're only telling them the things that happened before the two of us dated. We need to be careful with our words. These people are sometimes malicious about everything.

"Our first meeting wasn't that good. She's a brat, spoiled by her brother. She's in a girls school, maybe that's why she's like that. I tried talking to her but she just rolled her eyes and walked off. I'm don't like her at first but when she moved to our school, that's when I get to know her and yeah. We three became bestfriends. We're always together." He said as the other's nodded.

"That time when she moved to our school, she became famous instantly. Everyday she receives presents from her admirers. And there's this time that her brother and I spotted a guy confessing to her. Her brother quickly went to them and blocked her from that guy. He's so scared to her brother that he ran away from them. I told you guys, no one can come close to her because of her brother." He added.

There are many things that we told them. Including that embarassing moments. I don't want to remember it but I, too am laughing to myself. After dinner, I showered and changed my clothes cause there's a bonfire outside. We went outside seeing of course a bonfire and there's chairs circled around it. How many are we now? BTS + Feisty + Seventeen = 27. Gosh. We're that many? We sat on a chair according to our age and group. I'm the maknae of our group so I'm the last, but the chairs are circled so I'm seated next to S.Coups oppa. And since it's our last day, the staffs are all here with camera men's and everything.

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