Chapter 5

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Wonwoo's POV

"Who do you think is the most handsome member?" N sunbae asked Feisty.

We're currently having a game/activity wherein the sunbae's have to ask a question and we'll answer them by writing it on a small whiteboard. Each of us has one and a marker. The girls are looking at us and choose. Will Jihae pick me?

"Times up! Okay. Show us your answer's in 3...2....1..."

Then they showed what they wrote.

Angel picked Jeonghan hyung.
Seunghye and Yvonne picked S.Coups hyung.
Jaye picked Jun.
Hyunhee picked Mingyu.
And Jungmi and Jihae picked Joshua hyung.

*sigh* Yeah. Joshua hyung is way more handsome than me.

"Ooooh. S.coups and Joshua have a tie. What do you guys have to say to this?" Heejun sunbae said.

"Thank you." The two of them said.

"Please tell us why you picked that member, we'll start from the leader. Angel sshi?" N sunbae said.

"Uh. I picked Jeonghan sshi cause he's really handsome. I like long haired guys." She said.

We all gave them a 'ooooh' reaction. The sunbae's really like to pair us with them. This can't be helped cause we're in We Got Married for heavens sake!

Next is Seunghye and Yvonne cause they picked the same person.

"So I picked S.coups sshi cause he looks really manly...." Seunghye said.

"Yeah. Really manly." Yvonne nodded.

"Ah Kamsahamnida." Coups hyung said. He looks like he's really fluttered.

Next is Jaye.

"The reason why I picked Jun sshi is because of his eyes. They're really pretty. Even prettier than Jihae." She said.

"Why me?" Jihae asked while pointing at herself.

"Cause among us, you have the prettiest eyes." She explained

We all agreed and she looked down in embarassment. Aww. ^^

Then it continued, next is Hyunhee.

"I think Mingyu sshi is the most handsome cause he looked matured and I like tall guys." She said.

"So lastly is Jungmi and Jihae. Both of them picked Joshua. We'll go first with Jungmi sshi." N sunbae said.

"Uh.....he's handsome." Jungmi said.

They laughed cause that's just what she says.

"Ok. Jihae sshi?" Heejun sunbae said.

"Oh. So I picked Joshua sshi cause...uhm..first of all, he's handsome....and he looks like a gentleman, and matured." Jihae said.

Yeah. I remember he likes gentleman.


So here I am waiting for Jihae outside her classroom. I hate their teacher! He's always overtime. Like 30 minutes after the bell rang and they're still not dismissed.

And finally it ended. Student's are already going out of the room.

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