1 : "Not My Fault"

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Beta Reader : PDCircus

I do not own KHR only the plot of this story.


Chapter 1

Namimori Middle School

"If we multiply X for the both sides, X in the right side can be 1 because when we do X/X it becomes 1. And then we get Y" Nakamura-sensei explained to the class. And, hearing snores from the back, he walked to the sleeping form of one student.

"Sawada, wake up" said Nakamura-sensei as Tsuna continued to sleep, the whole class was watching them.

"Sawada! Wake up!" Nakamura-sensei, angry, knocked Tsuna's table harshly. Tsuna awoke, shocked.

"W-what?" He said, groggily, and with a sleepy face.

"Who said you can sleep in the class?" asked Nakamura-sensei, holding his anger.

"I-I didn't m-mean to s-sleep in c-class" stuttered Tsuna, scared.

"Now, I want you to solve that problem" stated Nakamura-sensei, pointing towards the blackboard.

"B-but.." Tsuna started to mumble, just to be cut by the ring bell. He sighed, relieved. Thankfully, he didn't had to answer the problem. He just didn't knew how to solve it!

"Ahh..? You're saved this time, but if you do that again, I will never let you go" said Nakamura-sensei. He walked to the front of the class. "Now, class dismissed" Said as he left the classroom.

"Lucky" Tsuna said to himself, relieved. Yamamoto and Gokudera walked at him.

"Haha, Tsuna! What a mess have you done" said Yamamoto, smiling at him.

"Yakyu-baka! Don't insult Juudaime!" screamed Gokudera, pointing his finger towards Yamamoto angrily.

"It's ok, Gokudera. He's not at fault here. " said Tsuna trying to calm Gokudera down.

"tch.. If Juudaime says" said Gokudera, glancing sideways.

"Well, let's go home now. Everyone left the classroom already" said Yamamoto.

"Let's go"

"Let me take your bag, Juudaime" said Gokudera, already taking Tsuna's bag.

"It's okay, I can carry it myself" stated Tsuna.

After a while, he remembered something. 'ahh! it's Gokudera's birthday tomorrow'.

Tsuna tried to approach Yamamoto without Gokudera noticing.

"Yamamoto, tomorrow is Gokudera's birthday. Let's go to town and buy something for him" invited Tsuna with a very slow whisper.

"Oh yeah, you're right. What are we going to tell him? He will try to follow us" whispered Yamamoto back.

"Ahh.. How about I see you around 4? At my house?" asked Tsuna with a whisper.

"Alright then, see you later"


Tsuna's House

"Tsu-kun! Yamamoto-kun is waiting for you outside!" announced Nana from downstairs.

"Alright!" answered Tsuna, he was wearing a white t-shirt with a hoodie with a slightly orange shirt and a black trouser. He walked down the stairs and got near the door.

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