4 : Future

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Disclaimer : I do not own anything you except the plot of this story.

Beta reader : PDCircus


When Tsuna finally opened his eyes, he found himself engulfed by a thick pink smoke. He tried to make the smoke disappear by swinging his right hand while his left hand was cupped at his mouth and nose, so that he didn't breath any of it. He realized he no longer was at the backyard.

'So, I have been brought here. Where is this place?' thought Tsuna as he felt sand on his butt and saw ocean-waves in front of him.

"Juudaime!! Are you alright?!"

Tsuna turned at the voice only to be welcomed by his future storm guardian, who was running toward him, followed by his future rain and sun guardian. But they stopped immediately as they saw it wasn't the present time Tsuna, but the past-one.

"Tsuna, how can you shrink?" asked future Yamamoto with a confused face.

"Aho! It is the past Juudaime!" Screamed in an angry voice future Gokudera.

"WAAAAAAAAOOW, THIIS IS EXTREME!!" shouted Ryohei, unconsciously punching the air, and absent-mindedly dropping the beach ball in his hands.

More people came to his side.

"Whoa... Young Tsuna-nii" said future Fuuta, clapping his hands.

"Vongola is shorter than me. Hahaha" said future Lambo, pointing at Tsuna while laughing.

"Lambo! Don't insult Tsuna-nii" said future I-pin, facing Lambo.

"Kufufufu, noisy as always" said future Mukuro, resting besides future Chrome, who was smiling at him. They were sitting at the base of a nearby coconut tree.

"Hn" said Hibari, laid down on a beach chair.

"Tsuna-san, you're cute, like always" said Haru as she hugged Tsuna.

"St-...o-op...c-a...-an't... brea-..th" said Tsuna, struggling to run away from Haru's embrace.

"Haru-chan, I think you're hugging Tsu-kun a bit too tight" said Kyoko with a smile.

"Oops... I am sorry, Tsuna-san" said Haru as he let Tsuna go. Tsuna sighed, relieved.

"It's okay" said Tsuna. He observed his surroundings. The complete famiglia was there, everyone wearing swimming suits. His mother and father weee sitting under an umbrella, talking to each other like they just started dating.

"Umm... What are we doing here?" asked Tsuna, awkwardly.

"Of course for our family vacation, Dame-Tsuna"

Tsuna's eyes broadened. He could recognize that voice anywhere. Slowly he turned his head towards the tall person. The man was also wearing a swimming suit. He had very familiar black eyes, black hair and curly sideburns.

"Reborn?" murmured Tsuna, shocked.

"Of course. Are you still dame? You can't even recognize me" said Reborn with a smirk. Bianchi was sitting beside him, also smirking.

Without him noticing, a few tears fell from Tsuna's eyes to his cheeks. The whole family stood frozen, shocked, excluding Mukuro and Hibari. They were all staring at the brunet.

"Tsu-kun, why are you crying? Are you hurt" asked Kyoko as she wiped Tsuna's tears. Tsuna dropped out.

"No, no... I'm fine. Just, please, ignore me" said Tsuna as he tried to wipe his tears, the same ones that flowed down his face. He cupped his hand to his face. All the guardians stayed silent.

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