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Chapter 27

Disclaimer: I own nothing from KHR.

Beta Reader : RazenshiaSapphire08


"Iemitsu-san, an enemy is 5 meter far from you. Please be prepared" Spanner informed Iemitsu using the intercom.

"Alright. Thanks for the info Spanner" Iemitsu replied. He is standing at the middle of the road which is between two high and white building, already in Hyper Dying Will Mode.

"Let see, who my opponent is now." Iemitsu said with a smirking. He currently holds his Pickaxe at his shoulder, ready to fight.

"Puhyuuu.. I have found the flames." A voice could be heard from a corner between other buildings. Next, the owner of the voice revealed herself. It was Bluebell.

"Let see. oppsie.. There is an old man here. So, you're my opponent? Heh..I think, I will defeat you in a second." Bluebell said with her too over-confident face with her middle finger at her lip.

"Don't be so over-confident, young girl" Iemitsu said as he let his Pickaxe fall to the ground. It causes the ground, creating large holes with a loud sound.

"Wow. That's scary, but I am not scared to you at all. Blekk" Bluebell said as she protrudes her tongue out and closed her left eyes.

"Heh. Let's start now. Girl should attack first." Iemitsu said as he stand with a stable position by letting his legs opened widely in front the girl, not forgetting his Pickaxe.

"Then, let me change myself" Bluebell exclaimed as she opened her clothes, revealing her chest. There are box weapon implanted at her heart. She lightens her Mare ring and activated the box weapon. The rain flames engulfing her, then her body transform into human hybrid, the Shonisaurus with a mermaid tail at her legs.

"Try this. Rain Sea Shells!"Bluebell released multiple explosive shells from the box weapon. As the shells flies the shell grown in size. The shells directed to Iemitsu but Iemitsu not buckle at all to avoid it. The shells explode causing a lot of smokes produced.

"Hahaha.. look, I have already defeat you. Bye-bye now" Bluebell laughed as she turns her body to other road.

"Not so fast girl" Iemitsu said stand still inside the smokes.

"W-what?" Bluebell shocked as she turns back her body toward Iemitsu.

"Hmm, do you think that has already enough to defeat me?" Iemitsu said with a smirk on his face. He is not injured at all, it's all because he has a extreme defense which letting him take whatever attack without being damaged or show any signs of injury but only work when he in HDWM.

"But that was a dangerous one, you should dead right now!" Bluebell shouted in scared.

"I am not a weak old man that you thought so" Iemitsu smirked satisfy.

Bluebell beyond angry now, she fly and letting out her flames surround her. She mumbled slowly "Barriera Medusa" .

Covering so that Iemitsu didn't notice her whisper, she throws a Rain Flame covered giant shell at the enemy. "Bomba Ammonite!" She shouted but before the technique could be done, Iemitsu petrified the shell using his Flame-Enhanced Punch. Bluebell jaws lowered in shocked.

Iemitsu is on the way to reach Bluebell when suddenly he could not breathe, he could not receive any oxygen to breathe. Iemitsu choked. Then Bluebell laughed manically.

"Hahahaha, feel that. You already being trapped in a field that 100% pure Rain Flames. It will stop all your body functions and the next thing you know, you already dead. Hahaha!"

Iemitsu struggled inside the deadly field. He moves his hand on his pocket and brought out one more pills. He takes the pill into his mouth and swallowed it. His HDWM flame burst out, creating a large HDWM flames. Once again he used his Flame-Enhanced Punch toward the wall of the field that he was trapped in. As the punch reach the wall, the wall crack causing the field destroyed instantaneously. Realised this, Bluebell can't help herself to calm anymore. She panicked and once again try to launching her shells attack but all of it was a waste. Iemitsu flies to her using invention that created by Gianini, and punched her with his powerful punch, aiming toward the girl heart where her box weapon is. The Box Weapon crack and destroyed.

Bluebell could not breathe and her body slowly become smaller in size. The next thing, she fall to the ground with her body became an old lady body and eventually died.

"So, you are not actually a young girl . What a waste to end your life like that" Iemitsu said as he cares for the old lady's body with a sympathetic look. Next, he stand up and walk toward his air bike and move to his target and his real opponent, Byakuran.


"The decoys have been unleash nearing here, there should be opponent that lead to here. This is the suitable hiding places. Right, Uri?" Gokudera said as he looking around on the same time interact with his box weapon animal, a cat name Uri.

"Meow!" Uri agreed with Gokudera.

"You behave well today, you're always annoyed with me, but this time you agree with me?!" Gokudera said with a mix of questioning in his voice, looking Uri with a weird look.

"rrrr...raaauwww!" Uri angered with what Gokudera had said. He opened up his paw, revealing his sharp nails. He claws Gokudera's face, causing the white head to scream and throw Uri to the ground harshly. Uri landing perfectly with his face full of satisfaction. He then walks to other place, leaving his master alone.

"Hey you damn cat! Come here!!" Gokudera yelled and chasing Uri. Just to give the cat punishment.

As they play chasing game there, the others who heard everything in the intercom sighed.

"anoo.. Gokudera-kun, You should be prepare. Enemy will come anytime from now. Please don't play around. " Shoichi remembering Gokudera about their situations now.

"I know, but I need to get Uri back. Hey you damn Cat! Come here now!" Gokudera replied but on the same time he still chasing for Uri and scold the cat.

"Gokudera." A voice spoke out, chilling Gokudera.

"Y-yes Iemitsu-san" Gokudera stuttered. He stopped whatever thing he is currently doing. Stunned there as he heard the stern voice of his Juudaime's father.

"You are not going to play around in this battle." Iemitsu stated, still with his stern voice. The others who heard this gulped in nervousness, including Hibari. Iemitsu was so fierce when it come to Tsuna and Vongola.

"H-haii!" Gokudera replied still with his stuttered. Looking at his master's nervousness look, Uri slowly come back to Gokudera and try to comfort his master by licking Gokudera's pants. Gokudera look at Uri and pick the cat up.

"I am sorry but right now I need you to work on with me. We are going to save Juudaime together. " Gokudera determined.

"Meow!!" Uri replied also with determination planted on his will.

"Gokudera-kun, enemy approaching!" Shoichi shouted through the intercom. Before Gokudera could turn, all the decoys that should be above him shatter in pieces.


Seriously, this two chapter is so hard to write. Maybe it's a little short but I have done my best on the fighting scene. Hope you like it.

I can't promise yet when the next update will be done, because it still on fighting scene, that i have a problem most. The other problem is, my beta reader and me myself are busy with our daily life. That will limited us to continuing this works on the same speed. I can't help myself if i keep stressing out on making an update. So i hope all of you will patiently wait.

Till we meet again. Thanks for reading!

Sincerely, Aiza-chan

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