Time Travel

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Two week later, all of the guardian are gathered and being tested by their own tutor with a serious match. Not an individual match but a group match and for the first time the entire guardian able to keep their teamwork on this match. The match goes on and become more and more serious and ends up that all the guardians able to defeat the arcobaleno with their new technique and skills. They have been approved that they already match with their enemy.

"We have extremely improved!" shouted Ryohei.

"I am happy for you, Onii-chan" said Kyoko, gladly. She has been watching the match together with Haru, Ipin, Bianchi and Fuuta. Ipin, Haru and Fuuta also jump in fun as they confirm, they can save Tsuna now.

"Yeah! Now we can save Tsuna for real" said Yamamoto, happily.

"Let us go now!" said Gokudera, who just can't hold on anymore.

"Wait. I am sorry for interrupt your joyful moment. But let me say, all of you only match with the lower class of Millefiore famiglia, you still can't defeat Byakuran and the six Funeral ." Said Reborn with a serious face.

All of them stun, silent engulf them and disappointed feeling spread among the teenagers.

"W-what? Are you saying that our strength didn't even pass them?" asked Skull, unbelief.

"Yeah, that's right. Their power and strength is beyond us the arcobaleno." Said Reborn as he confirming back his statement before.

"What should we do next? I still want to save boss." asked Chrome with a low voice.

"You're going to train again." Said Reborn.

"But, it's already two week. Tsuna-san might be in danger now" said Haru, terrified.

"We will skip the time." A voice comes from their back. All of them looked at the source of the voice, revealing two men, one with the red head and the other one with blond hair.

"Who are you?!" shouted Gokudera, alarmed with the appearance of the two man.

"Woahh. Hold on. We are here to help you as Reborn asked for" said the blonde man.

"Reborn asked?" asked Lal Mirch.

"Yeah. I call for them. "Replied Reborn.

"What are they going to help us?" asked Yamamoto, curious.

"They going to sent you to the past" said Reborn.

"But, we can't go back to the past yet. We still didn't save Tsuna-nii yet" said Lambo.

"It is not ten years to the past but 400 years to the past" said the red hair man.

"What!" shouted all of them except for Reborn, Mukuro, Iemitsu and the two men. Of course Hibari didn't yell but his eyes widen, shocked with the news.

"kufufufu.. So this is what you have planning for. Great, arcobaleno. " said Mukuro with a smirk.

"I am number one hitman in the world. So expect the unexpected. " smirked Reborn. Then he turns back to the guardians.

"Before that, let me introduce you to both of them. The red hair is Irie Shoichi and the blond hair man is Spanner. Both of them from Italy that have been assign as Vongola's secret mechanic. I have asked for their help to preparing a time machine that will help us transport all of the guardians to 400 years to the past" said Reborn.

"But why 400 years to the past, Reborn?" asked Bianchi.

"They will meet the First Generation of Vongola" said Reborn.

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