Let's go!

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Chapter 24

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR!

Beta Reader : RazenshiaSapphire08


Gokudera force himself to open his eyes which seemed too heavy, all his body hurt and he felt his blood seeping out from most part of his body, legs, hands, waist, even his head. He tries to get up but only to stumble back to the ground. He look around him, all of his friends already lost consciousness on the ground. The rest also injured badly.

He moves his eyes to the other side. Someone is standing in front of him. It was Byakuran, with his devil smirk.

"All of the Vongola rings, Mare rings and Arcobaleno pacifiers are in my hands now. Thanks for your useless effort, Vongola guardians. " Byakuran said as he let the Vongola Rings,Mare Rings and Arcobaleno Pacifiers floating in front of him.

"S-stop" Gokudera try his hard only to mutter the word.

"We are not done yet."Come a voice at the back of Gokudera. It was Ryohei. He is forcing himself to stand up.

"I'll bite you to death, Byakuran" Hibari also slowly stand up, blood keep dripping down from his body.

"W-we..are..going to save..Tsuna. will not..give up" Yamamoto, who are lying on the ground muttered as he try to reach his katana which seems far away.

"Bossu.."Chrome cried out as she moves her body which seems really in bad shape.

"You want to see Tsu-chan? How about I do the ceremony in front of you now? It will be the last time you see him. Tsu-chan, Yuni-chan. Come here. " Byakuran spoke. Hearing this, the Vongola guardians widen their eyes in shock.

"What do you mean by that, bastard?!" Gokudera yelled in anger. Again, he is forcing himself to stand up. This time he success, but only after screaming in pain.

Tsuna and Yuni appeared beside Byakuran suddenly. Vongola guardians staring at three Sky flame holder in front of them. Tsuna and Yuni have the same look, the same dull eyes and the way they are walking just like mindless puppet.

"Tsuna-nii!! " Lambo cried as he tried to go to Tsuna while still lying, his body just could bare the injuries that he got anymore. Tsuna look at Lambo blankly, then he move back his attention at Byakuran. Totally ignore Lambo, who was trying his hard.

"We have come to you Byakuran-sama" Tsuna said, monotone.

"You may command us,Byakuran-sama" Yuni continues.

"Hahaha, Tsu-chan, Yuni-chan, the time has come. I want to do the ceremony now. I want both of you to standing there and letting the rings absorbs all of your flame. This process may end up you to lose your life. You don't have any to complain right? Byakuran asked both of his slaves.

"We don't have any to complain. We will do as you said, Byakuran-sama" Both Tsuna and Yuni said in unison.

Vongola guardians gasped in horror.

"Tsuna, snap out of it! I am not letting you do that!"Yamamoto said as he already reach his katana and slowly stand up. He changes his position to fighting stance. He runs toward Byakuran with killing aura. Byakuran just smile at him. Before he could reach Byakuran, Tsuna stand in front of Byakuran, shielding his master.

Realising this, Yamamoto stop his movement. His katana is already in front of Tsuna's face. He frowned.

"Step aside Tsuna. I gonna kill that man. I am going to release you from him. Move" Yamamoto warned Tsuna with serious tone. No way can he be playing around in this type of situation.

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