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Darkness. What he can see all around him is darkness. A certain brunette sitting in one place, letting his head on his knee with his hand hide his head. He is trembling and crying by himself. The only thing in his mind now is the pain, the suffering of losing everyone he trust most. The betrayal of his friends. The death of his mother. He is alone now. No one there for him. 


"Stop the acting right now!! I hate of looking you overacting. It's disgusting!" 


"You know Tsuna, I thought you're the most kind person in this world because you save my life back there when I want to jump off the roof. You always protect others life. But when I see it with my eyes that you kill that man, the proof, I just couldn't respect you anymore. "  


"You!! I know you have plan for this. You want us to stuck here as well right? Why don't you just stuck here by yourself? We are just happy when you're not there anymore!"  


"You're disgusting, Herbivore" 

" ..Haru.."

"Tsuna-san, I want to believe you but all the prove showing you is the murderer and Yamamoto said that you are the one who one to walk toward the dark alley. It became unlogic if I still say you are not the murderer." 


 "Tsuna-nii had murdered people in past. That's why Lambo-san hates him"  


 "Lambo is right. Tsuna is a monster"  



The image of Kyoko and Chrome with a scared face replying on his mind.

He keep shaking his head. Try to let everything go away. The more memories replaying in his head only give more sorrow to himself. All of it is the bad one. 

"W-why? why this happening to me? What have I done which causing me for being treated like this? " cried Tsuna by himself. 

"Because your existence are not needed at all. You're just bring a bad omen to them. you're useless and you're their burden."  

"I am their burden?" asked Tsuna. 

"yes. you are their burden" 

Suddenly Tsuna remember something.

  So, do what you think is the best for you just like you always do. "  

"..Reborn. Reborn is right! I should do what I want just like always" said Tsuna as a bit determination come back to him. 

"Hahaha.. You still want to believe that cheater's words?"

"Of course I will believe in Reborn!" shouted Tsuna, angry with the voice. 

"So, mind to tell me where he is when Mom being killed?" 

Hearing this, Tsuna stun.

"I don't know" said Tsuna, silently.

"He run away. He goes to Italy with your father and Mukuro. Leaving the useless guardian and mom by your side. Letting her died in enemies hand. "

Mujitsu No Sora [ KHR Fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now