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Two hour later, they already arrive at Kyoto. They have divide into two group for the information searching. Yamamoto, Fuuta, Kyoko, Ryohei and Lambo in one group while Gokudera, Bianchi, Haru, Ipin and Chrome in one group. Of course, Kusakabe and Hibari not included. They search by their own.
They have been asking any information about the men from Millefiore that always make trouble at that city. Some of the citizen cooperate with them and some of it ignore them because they scared. But as expected from Vongola, they will do everything only to get the precious information by offering protection for Kyoto's citizen. In the end, the citizen tell them everything that happens.

They keep tracking about the men and found their hideout. A tall white pentagon building nearing the forest where most people not usually walking there because of the scary rumours that spread among the citizen.

"So, here it is" said Yamamoto.

"Is Tsuna-nii in there?" asked Lambo.

"Who know" said Fuuta.

"I'm sure Tsuna-kun in there. I can feel it." Said Kyoko.

"tch! If I can save him now" said Gokudera, annoyed with himself.

"Don't ever make something stupid here. We are facing a very strong enemy. For now, we only can do this" said Bianchi looking straight at Gokudera.

"Not yet" said Hibari afar from them. He walk closer toward the building.

"What do you mean not yet? You can't be serious want to attack them now right?" said Ryohei, try to stop Hibari.

Hibari stopped his movement and face Ryohei. "The security, we didn't collect yet" stated Hibari.

"Hahii..Now that Hibari-san mention it. He is right. We don't even know their protection toward this hideout" said Haru.

"Our research not finished yet. We will surround this building and observe it again for a day. Everyone agree?" asked Kusakabe.

"Yeah!" said them in unison. Hibari only nodded his head and proceed to his hiding place. Everyone follows but different directions. For the Kyoko, Haru, Ipin and Lambo, they being paired with the boys so that nobody in danger and can support each other if anything bad happens.


The next day.
All of them gather again at their hotel's meeting room. Everyone with their own information. They make a report and combine it. Kusakabe is the one in charge to collect it from everyone. He analyse and explain to everyone what have they got. He even sketching the white building on the paper.

"Here is their hideout plan. The area of their whole hideout is about 50,000 square feet and have 10 floors including their basement underground which consist of their training place and their weapon store. All of the families that they cooperate with also live here. At floor 4, 5, and 6 is their rooms. The 7th floor is where their laboratory placed. They research are involving Science, Weapon, Flame and Technologies. On floor 8 and 9 is their office. The highest level is where their boss, Byakuran's office were and his bedroom. The possibility Tsunayoshi with Byakuran now is high since Byakuran himself kidnapped Tsunayoshi. Maybe he had another plan for Tsunayoshi that we still didn't know. The security on this level also high. We need to be more careful here. "Said Kusakabe as he highlight the highest level on the paper.

All of them silent. Immersing all of the information that Kusakabe have said. They know their enemy is strong but never expected this strong. They could see the level difference between Millefiore and Vongola. Even Bianchi and Fuuta are shocked. How come they never noticed Millefiore famiglia before? They hideout even in Japan but they know nothing about this.

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