The Tragedy

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Note : I have change Glo Xinia's flame here from rain to mist. I am sorry for not telling you earlier.

On the same night : with Reborn.

He is beyond angry for what have the people from the past had accuse and said to Tsuna. Suddenly, a smirk formed at his face. He is thinking for the best way to punish them for what reeducating them back.

Without he knowing, he already in front of future Tsuna's room. The door of the room opened, revealing a tired looking Nana and Iemitsu. Nana is holding a tray, on the tray there are a porridge and a glass of water untouched. He frown.

"Reborn-san" said Nana as she saw the man with a tired smile.

"How is he?" asked Reborn, directly.

"No good. He insist to eat or drink. He keep hiding himself under the blanket. I think his friends word really broke him" said Iemitsu, gripping his hand tightly. Angered, is the only thing he feel now.

"I have already plan on punishing them" said Reborn with a smirk.

"You are? Please let me join you. I will make sure they will pay what have they done" said Iemitsu, spreading his smirk.

"Please, don't do something like that. Although they have hurt Tsu-kun deeply. I know, Tsu-kun still love them as his family. If you do something like that I afraid Tsu-kun never forgive you. We have known him since he birth, dear. I really can assume what he is thinking. He is my only little prince after all." said Nana, holding Iemitsu hand, try to calm the blond.

"*sigh* Tsuna and you just too naive. They deserve this" said Iemitsu, looking straight at his wife brown eyes.

"I now, but it is for the best" said Nana, determined.

"Can you give that tray to me, Nana? I will make sure he going to eat this. Since he is my student, so he will follow my order" said Reborn, confidently.

"here. Please, don't be too hard with him. " said Nana.

"Alright" said Reborn as he enter Tsuna's room. Nana and Iemitsu wait at the outside door, waiting for Reborn to come out back.

"I hope Reborn can persuade him." said Nana, with a low voice.

"He will" replied Iemitsu.


With Tsuna

Geting up from his bed, Tsuna sit on the chair beside the window, staring into a cold sky night. The only thing he could hear now is the the sound of crickets and he could feel the emptiest in his heart. His mind keep repeating the scene at the beach again and again. He just couldn't help himself for not being broken after he heard all of his friends words. He love them whole heartily but they didn't even believe what he is saying. They even didn't want to believe in his promise.

For the hundred time already, his tears fall again, slowly sliding down on his cheek. He gripped his hand tightly, trying to holding his feeling from being broken. He had worrying both of his parents. He didn't want that but he just couldn't help himself to move on without thinking about his friends. They are everything for him.

'Why they didn't even want to trust my promise? Why they keep blaming on me without asking me about the truth? What have I do wrong to them?' thought Tsuna, gripping his hand.

"Dame-Tsuna" said someone from his back. He know this voice, it was his tutor. Reborn. He panickly wipe his tears with his sleeve and try to cover that he is fine. After he make sure no more tears left, he turn and facing Reborn.

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