We are Back!

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Disclaimer: I own nothing from KHR except the plot of this story!

Beta Reader: RazenshiaSapphire08


400 years to the past.

"Thanks for everything, gramps" Yamamoto thanked the 1st generation of Vongola.

"Who are you calling gramps, boy?! We're still 20's. " G was irritated with the name that Yamamoto had called them.

"Chill out, G. We are their gramps. It's because of time that is why we are still young and they look just like ours little brothers." Asari calmed down the situations.

"Hoi Yakyu-baka! You make our ancestor angry. Apologize!" Gokudera scolded Yamamoto.

"Ano..Maybe you guys need to stop now, we don't have much more time. The portal will be closed in five minutes from now." Chrome reminded to them as she looks at the portal in front of them. Yeah, that is the second portal from the future being transported to the past by the help of Mukuro's flame. Chrome is currently helping Mukuro setting up the portal, using the guidance that had been told by Shoichi and Spanner to them.

"Woah! We don't have much time anymore. Let's say our last goodbye. Thanks for everything to the extreme,Sensei!" Ryohei bid his farewell to Knuckle.

"It's been an extremely wonderful time with all of you. Take care of yourself." Knuckle said as he hugged Ryohei with manly hug.

"Thanks for taking care of us here, Miss Elena. We really have fun here. I hope we will see each other again in next time." Kyoko thanked Elena with a bow.

"Yeah, I love how we are being treat here. It's like we having a new family." Haru said, also following Kyoko's movement.

"Please, raise your head. It's my pleasure to see all of you, taking care all of you. You should know that we are already family. Please do come here again." Elena said to the both of girls. The girls raise their head and nodded with teary eyes.

"The next time, I will bite you to death" Hibari said toward Alaude.

"Hn. Let's see you try. " Alaude smirked.

"Nufufufu~They already have said their goodbye. " Daemon exclaimed.

"We want to thank you, too. You have helped me improving my skill." Chrome thanked to Daemon.

"Nufufufu.."Daemon laughed.

"Kufufufu..This time I fail to make you stop that laughing. I will do so the next time we meet." Mukuro laughed too.

"Nufufufu..Then, prepare yourself, I will possess you the next time we meet. For sure" Daemon smirked.

"Kufufufu..I'll make sure I won't let you possess me again."Mukuro smirked.

"Both of them are sure identical. Scary enough" Giotto sweatdropped.

"I want to play with you again Uncle Lampo. " Lambo wailed, being followed by Ipin.

"I want to stay" Ipin cried.

"I want to play with both of you again. "Lampo cried too.

"You can't Ipin, Lambo. You need to save Tsuna Onii-san right? Don't you want to see him again?" Giotto asked both Lambo and Ipin while patting both the kids head.

"We want, But we don't want to leave Uncle Lampo." Lambo cried again, this time harder.

Lampo hugged them and said "We will meet again for sure. I will wait for you here".

"You will?" Ipin asked.

"Yeah I will. " Lampo assured them. Giotto just smiles looking at them. Then, he walks facing all of the 10th generation.

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