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disclaimer: I do not own KHR.

Enjoy this last part!


"hieee! It's already dusk. I need to go home now or my mum will be so worried. Until we meet again next time, Byakuran-kun." Tsuna bid a goodbye and run exiting the playground.

"Bye Tsuna-kun." Byakuran waved his hand toward Tsuna. When Tsuna's body can't be seen anymore, slowly Byakuran let his hand down, staring at nothing. Then after few minutes passed he brushed the back of his head.

"Why I keep having this vision. It's just I have met with Tsuna-kun before." Byakuran keeps thinking before shrug his shoulder. "Maybe it just a daydream.. yeah, it just a daydream. There is no way that Tsuna-kun will die in front of my eyes. Well, it seems I need to get back home too." continued Byakuran before he moves to go back to his house.


Tsuna is already in front of his house but he was keep walking back and forth for 10 minutes now.

"How can I go in with this kind of wounds? Mama will worry. What should I do?" Tsuna already frustrated. He is looking around his house to search for something that can help him hide his wound and at last he found a white blanket behind the house.

'This will help.' Tsuna let the blanket covering his body from his head to his whole body. After that, he opened the door and walk entering the house, hoping that his mother didn't notice that he already come back. Unluckily, his mother is the first one welcoming him by running toward the door as she hears the door being opened.

"Tsu-kun, where have you been? Why you get back home so late? I was worry about you. You still recovering, you should keep it in your mind....Wait, what are you doing under the blanket?"Nana keeps on asking the question without giving Tsuna a time to answer her questions but just stop in the middle because shocked looking at his son's feature.

"I-I am helping you picking up the blanket since it's already dry and the night weather will make it become damp back... ah! It's so heavy; I need to put it in my room now. I will get down in the living room once I have already taken a bath, okay mama?" Tsuna said and in a fast move already at the stair to get back to his room.

"Wait, Tsu-kun..." Nana tried to stop Tsuna but Tsuna just ignores all her calling. Nana could feel something was off with Tsuna and she follows Tsuna get back to his room. When Tsuna closed the door, she could hear Tsuna let out a relieved sigh. She keeps waiting at the door when she could feel that Tsuna didn't notice her presence, she opened the door in a small space and peeking on it. What she see after that causing she to yelp.

"Tsu-kun!! What happens to you? What has caused you having these injuries? Tell me now!" Yeah, she scream or more to freaking out, turning Tsuna's body to right and left just to observe all the bruises and wounds that decorate around Tsuna's fragile body.

Tsuna can't utter even a word. He is scared if something like this happens. He really didn't want to make his mother worry but end up making it so. He is feeling guilty more than the hurt on his body.

Not getting any word from Tsuna, Nana pulls his son to the bathroom and ordering Tsuna to clean up his body and injuries first. Tsuna obeys without any word only giving a look at his mama that filled with guilt. Nana then climbs up the stair back and get a new set of pyjama, a towel for his son and a first aid.

When Tsuna is done with the bathing, she is already outside the room. She passed the towel to Tsuna. As Tsuna get out from the bathroom, she brings Tsuna to sit at the chair in the living room. She opens the first aid and starts to treat Tsuna's wound.

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