The Mess

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All of them screamed and run toward Tsuna. Iemitsu who are the nearest one already picking up his son and let Tsuna's head on his thigh. He try to woke up his son but no response. The others already surround Tsuna, try to woke him up too, but still no response. As they try pick up Tsuna and want to bring Tsuna to the hospital, Tsuna's body suddenly floating and moves by its own toward Byakuran. Tsuna's body position was lying and limping.

Yamamoto try to catch Tsuna's body but it pass through. Tsuna's body keep on moving and now was floating in front of Byakuran. All of them just can watch the scene.

"If you want to take him back, we will play games. If you won, you can have Tsu-chan back. If not, you will give me all the Vongola ring and Alcobaleno pacifier. " said Byakuran. He look serious now. Of course he is angry when someone have already injuring his precious possession.

"What games?" Asked Bianchi.

"Choice game, I will sent you the detail later. For now,let us end our meeting here. Goodbye" said Byakuran as he and Tsuna become transparent and disappear.

They silent, still stunned at what had happen before. Until Iemitsu start talking.

"I am going to save my son, so either you like it or not,I will force you to participate Choice game. And I will participate too. "Said Iemitsu sternly.

" can we make it?"asked Gokudera a bit unsure with the decision.

" what are you talking about, octopus head. Of course we can. Where is your resolve before?"asked Ryohei, frowning.

"I-i doesn't know anymore. I am the one who make juudaime suffering, I am the reason he becoming like that. How can I forgive myself and act like nothing happens?"said Gokudera as he make a frustrated face. He shut his eyes and let his face down.

"... Its not just you, I am the one who didn't trust his word at first and causing all of you to hate Tsuna. I am the one to blame for. I have make a big mistake." Frown Yamamoto.

"Everyone of us should be blamed, not just you Yamamoto-kun" said Kyoko, holding Yamamoto'ssleeve and looking straight at Yamamoto's eyes with her comforting eyes. Yamamoto look at her, but still can't get over it. He still blaming himself.

"Tsuna-san really has forgotten about us?" mumbling Haru as she look at the ground while she gripped her hand. In her mind she keeps repeating 'I can't believe it'.

"Looking at boss face, maybe the spell that Byakuran gives him is a strong one, causing him to easily broken. Also the facts that what we have done to him and what has happen to mama maybe trigger the spell more. " said Chrome also looking a bit down. Yeah, helpless and that what the others feel too. They never thought about Byakuran's plan and how stupid they are to trapping themselves in Byakuran's traps.

"Why I didn't realize it before?!" shouted Gokudera, frustrating. Before, Tsuna is everything to him but just because the accident in the past which proven Tsuna didn't do anything wrong causing him, the most loyalty guardians, turn his back toward Tsuna, didn't even listen to what Tsuna want to explain. He feels so helpless, stupid and guilty.

Hearing this, all of the past people let their head down, feeling of guilty and helpless surround them including Hibari. Maybe he is the first one realize his mistake but still he have treat Tsuna bad when he heard that the omnivore have killed someone which he never expected to happen. They stay on their own thought until Lambo can't take it anymore. He started to wailing, want to be forgiven by Tsuna badly. Ipin start to follow Lambo, and everyone too feel the sadness. One by one of them start to cry, blaming themselves. Hibari keep his eyes hidden under his bang, he just stood still there but anyone could already know why he reacted like that. Yeah, he also feel the saddest in his own heart.

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