Choice End

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Some example here so that you didn't confuse :


disclaimer: I do not own KHR.I only own the plot of this story.

I am sorry for grammatical error in this chapter.


Byakuran was munching his marshmallow when suddenly he could feel a presence nearing them. He turns his body and a blow came from outside their base. Byakuran opened his palm and clapping his hand. The blow that targeted to him suddenly disappears.

"Hahaha, you guys are bad on welcoming us. You should give some warning first." Byakuran laughed as he looking at his enemies in front of him, which are Iemitsu and Yamamoto.

"There's no need to welcome a jerk like you." Iemitsu said with a stern voice. He took a peak on his son who is sitting on a chair behind Byakuran. Then he looks back at Byakuran with murderous look.

"Release Tsuna now!" Iemitsu command as he brought out his pickaxe in front of his body. Yamamoto, who is alert on this, also opening his box weapon and calling for Kojirou and Jirou.

"You need to pass me first. I will not giving you Tsu-chan without any effort." Byakuran said with a smirk. He also brought out his box weapon but not opening it yet.

Yamamoto flew toward Tsuna but before he could arrive at Tsuna, he being kick by Byakuran with a high speed kick causing Yamamoto to being thrown toward the next building.

"Yamamoto!" Iemitsu yelled.

"Not a second that you should let your guard down when you're confronting me." Byakuran said with a demonic laugh.

"Tch.." Iemitsu feel himself being challenged by a man that younger than him. He swallowed Dying Will Pill causing him to enter Hyper Dying Will Mode. He started attacking by using his Flame-Enhanced Punch on Byakuran non-stop.

Byakuran successful on avoiding all the punch given by Iemitsu. He smirked but before he could speak a word on it, there suddenly a blow of rain flame on his leg causing him to stumbled to the front.

"Arhh..!" Byakuran screamed.

Iemitsu turns to his back only to be welcomed by Yamamoto determination look despite his injuries because of Byakuran first attack.

"Good one boy." Iemitsu smirk.

"Well, teamwork always gives a best result." Yamamoto smirked too.

"But not on me" Byakuran said as he woke up from his position before.

"Now I am aware that I have two opponents confronting me. I well prepared." Byakuran continues.

Both Iemitsu and Yamamoto alert.

"I will fight too" A voice spoke behind Byakuran causing the three of them frown. It was Tsuna, a controlled Tsuna.

"I will fight you!" Yamamoto yelled with full determination look on his face.

Byakuran didn't say anything. He worried about Tsuna but he just can't let his enemies look at his soft spot.

Tsuna nodded his head, lighten up his forehead by entering Hyper Dying Will Mode and started his attack by using his X-glove, punching on Yamamoto.

Being a rain guardian, Yamamoto knows how to calm himself on this situation. He using Kojirou to make Rain infused with the Tranquillity Attribute and showered it down on Tsuna so that he can detect all Tsuna's movement. Yamamoto avoided all the punch and called for Jirou to pass him all of his sword which consist of one long sword and three short swords.

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