1st Generation

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400 years in the past.

At Vongola Mansion, there are ceremony which currently ongoing. There are many type of Mafia famiglia assembled. Just to attend a ceremony that being planned by Giotto himself. A ceremony to celebrate Vongola achievement, on keeping most of Italy areas save from violent. There also people who are poor that have been invited too. Giotto and his guardians never look at status when it came to friends. They do be friends with everyone and really appreciate what they have.

There also a dancing stage where most of the noble already dancing on it with accompany by soft music which calm everyone hearts. Daemon and Elena didn't miss their chance on making good memories for tonight. They dance together with a romantic song and they look happy.

G are busy on managing the ceremony, he is the right hand man of Vongola. So, it is his work on making everything looks perfect. Well, sometime he does yelling at Lampo and others kids who are messing around with their toys. Lampo look grown up but he still trapped in his immature side. He is the one who calling all the kids to play with him and without noticing already messing around.

Asari and Knuckle are currently chatting with the guests. They are laughing and talking everything that interest them, usually they will just follow the topics which the guest wanted but not forgetting to adding in it so that the topics become more fun to talk.

Alaude has been assigned to guarding the Vongola Mansion along with CEDEF. They need to make sure everything is under control, no assassin and no terrorist. Giotto just tasking Alaude to guarding while enjoying the event but as we know Alaude, he just to obsess with the Mansion and taking what Giotto task seriously.

Giotto is currently being surrounded by girls and most of them asking for a dance. Giotto rejected the offer with a reason to handle something at the back of the mansion. All the girls disappointed and look at him with a sad eyes. Giotto sweat dropped. He needs to escape fast. He turns around and walk away, not forgot to wave his hand toward them. Just to make the girls not to disappointed.

When he already at the back of the Mansion, he sigh in relieve. The girls' commotion quite tired him. He continues walking and suddenly he heard someone yelling his name. He turned around, only to be welcomed by his best friend, who are jumping from the gate and walks toward him.

"ah, Cozart. What are you doing entering by jumping from the gate. It's dangerous and not polite" said Giotto toward Cozart.

"Don't worry, I just like it. Like I do care about what others talking. Let them be. And as you know, I am strong. Thing like this is nothing to me. " said Cozart while shaking his best friend's hand as greetings.

They sat on a chair, nearing the garden and keep talking like there is no tomorrow. After 30 minutes, G started shouting Giotto's name, searching Giotto like a mad man. Giotto and Cozart immediately hiding themselves at the bush. When they could see G clearly, Giotto start picking some stone and show it to Cozart with a naughty smile. Cozart shocked.

"What are you going to do with that stone?" asked Cozart, a bit worried.

"Want to give him some punishment" answered Giotto again while picking more stone.

"What have he done to you?" asked Cozart again.

"He keeps giving me paperwork and making me work all day" answered Giotto, disgusting.

"But that is his jobs. He need to sent the paperwork to you because he is your right hand man." Said Cozart, backup G.

"I am still blaming him" said Giotto as he start to throw one stone at G. G could feel the threaten aura from the stone, and thinking it was an enemy. He dodges it then immediately brings out his arrow and targeting at where the stone come from. He smirk and said " You think you can do stupid thing to me, stupid Primo?"

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