2 : Trust

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Chapter 2.

disclaimer: I do not own KHR and the medias.

beta reader : PDCircus

Sawada household.

A month passed, and it was Tsuna's day to be released from prison with Vongola Nono's hhelp. If it wasn't because of him, he would have be hanging dead by now, sentenced as juvenile homicide

He was sent home by one of Vongola Nono bodyguards. No one ever visited him in the prison and didn't received any Being alone there and with no one to protect him, resulted in him getting bullied by others juvenile delinquents, but he just kept quiet as he was bullied, holding himself from breaking down. Yet he still hoped for anyone to love him back just as he loved them all, especially his guardians.

He got out from the limousine and bowed a thanks to the bodyguard. The walk from the car to the front door passed with him looking at his feet, feeling a bit nervous with what was waiting for him.

'What am I nervous for? This is my home, this is were everybody loves me. I'll be fine here' thought Tsuna to calm himself down. He rised back his head, determination in his face and a little smile. Slowly, he opened the door but found nobody there. Curious, he walked in, taking off his shoes and going towards the living room.

Nobody was there, pure silence.

'Where is everybody? Aren't Lambo and I-pin playing today?' thought Tsuna as he wondered around. He walked towards the kitchen to look for his mother, but still, no one was there.

'Maybe they are in the bedroom? ' He climbed the stairs and opened his room, empty. He left his bag on the bed and walked to his mother's room. knocking at the door, he opened it after a few seconds of silence and was welcomed by a trembling Lambo and a crying I-pin. His mother soothing them both.

"What's wrong? " said Tsuna, walking in.

"Tsu-kun? N-no, nothing's wrong" answered Nana, surprised by his arrival, looking a bit scared.

"They wouldn't be crying if nothing's wrong, can you tell me the truth, mom? Said Tsuna, stopping a few steps away from them.

Lambo started to whimper as he saw Tsuna, I-pin was already hiding behind lambo. Both of them were trembling badly.

Tsuna tried to touch Lambo's head but the kid flinched and slowly backed away from him with a scared face.

"Go away from Ore-sama, you murderer!" snapped Lambo. Tsuna, shocked, froze.

" I-pin doesn't want to see Tsuna again" mumbled I-pin, still hiding.

"W-what? " stuttered Tsuna. Not believing what he was hearing.

"Tsu-kun, I think you need to go out the room first. I'll calm them first, then we will have a talk. Does that sound okay?" said Nana, quietly.

Tsuna hesitated, but the look both the kids had showed how scared they were about him, he slowly walked out of the room and went back to his room, and sat at the bed. He was still shocked with what just happened and just sat there doing nothing.

His mind was still trapped in what he saw.

Suddenly, a knock was heard from his door and it opened, revealing his mother. Slowly Nana walked towards Tsuna and sat beside him. She intertwined her hand with Tsuna's. He looked at her with tearful eyes.

"Mom, what should I do? Even the kids are scared of me. They will never believe me anymore" said he with a low voice.

"Tsu-kun, I know it's hard, but you need to be strong. Let others say whatever they want, ok? I believe in you, I know you would never do something like that" said Nana, and, slowly, she embraced his son. Tsuna hugged her back, and, overwhelmed, started sobbing.

"Mom, how should I face them? How should I face all of them? They never visited me there, they hate me. Mom, I swear I didn't do it, none of it. By the time I opened my eyes the man was already dead. Why does the tests accuse me of murder? No one wants to hear my explanation except you mom" said Tsuna, starting to cry harder.

"Maybe they're just busy with school, tsu-kun. Don't let the negative thoughts control you. I can't bear to see you this broken. I'll always stand by your side. Don't ever give up, hun" said Nana, cupping both of his son's cheeks and looking straight into his eyes with determination.

Tsuna's eyes trembled a little, but, seeing his mother's eyes, gave him new spirit to stay strong, to stay firm and never give up in his life. He closed his eyes for a minute and opened it back with a determined look.

"I will. Thank you, mom" said Tsuna, and smiled at his mother just to be replied with a sweet smile of her.

"Mom, where is Reborn, Fuuta and Bianchi? This house became deserted." asked Tsuna, curious. Remembering the silence occupied the once noisy house.

"Ara.. I forgot to tell you. The three of them went back to Italy the next day you were captured. They didn't tell me anything though." said Nana. Tsuna felt shocked.

'They all ran away. Even Reborn' thought Tsuna with pain.

"Tsu-kun? Is there a matter?" asked Nana, concerned.

"No..No mom. Everything is alright" said Tsuna as he smiled, just to cover his disappointment. Nana kept looking at her son but smiled back and pat Tsuna's hair.

"Alright then. Have you eaten yet?" asked Nana.

"No, I missed mom's cooking. Could you cook for me?" said Tsuna with a pleading look.

"Ara ara, someone really missed me. Of course I will cook for my little prince" said Nana.

"Don't call me little." sulked Tsuna.

"I'm sorry. I missed you too, Tsu-kun. Let us go to the kitchen. You are going to help me." said Nana, grabbing Tsuna's hand and walking towards the door.

"But.. but.. I don't know how to cook." said Tsuna, trying to escape.

"No excuse"




There's a boy, sitting in the middle of the room with a big book in front of him. Objects around him were floating due to gravitational disorder. Images of stars and galaxies shined in his eyes and he started to mumble something. Timoteo, Reborn, Iemitsu and Bianchi were standing at the door, focusing on Fuuta, who was currently trying to rank people involved in Tsuna's case.

"The people involved in Tsuna-nii's case, first one, Glo Xinia from Millefiore famiglia" mumbled Fuuta, then he snapped out from his current position and started writing in his ranking book.

"Millefiore famiglia? I never heard about that family before." said Timoteo.

"According to our Mafia Famiglia's list, there's no such thing as Millefiore famiglia" said Iemitsu.

"Then it's new" said Reborn.

"But how did they made all the tests to show only Tsuna's fingerprint on the knife?" asked Bianchi.

"The possibility of Tsuna being possessed is high because he didn't even remember what happened, he even didn't know the victim and my hyper intuition said that Tsuna never meant to kill that man." said Timoteo.

"Could this Glo Xinia guy be using possession bullets, like Mukuro?" asked Bianchi again.

"Maybe not" said Iemitsu shortly.


"Because Tsuna never said anything a bullet or a gun. It must be a mist flame user. "Answered Iemitsu.

"Iemitsu is right. Only mist flames hosts can possess others mind" said Reborn.

"We need to search more information about this family and reveal what have they done to Tsunayoshi. We will start now" said Timoteo, slipping into his boss mode.

"Roger, Nono" said the three of them in unison. They all went out of the room and started with their personals missions.

'Tsuna, just wait, we will help you'


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