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"Tsu-chan, come here. Your family want to see you" shouted Byakuran while looking at his right side. Second after that, a brunette with a white Mlilefiore uniform, reveal himself and standing next to Byakuran.

"Who, Byakuran-sama?" Asked Tsuna with a blank look, looking at his master.

"Your F.A.M.I.L.Y. There" said Byakuran with a smile as he pointing toward the guardians. Tsuna slowly followed Byakuran's finger and look straight at family with face avoid of emotion and of course with his dull eyes.

He just stare at them. No response. His family gasped at his reaction but they a bit relief as they look Tsuna is fine, there is no more bandage and bruises at his body.

"Juudaime!!" Shouted Gokudera.
Tsuna move his face toward Gokudera.

"Are you referring at me?" Asked Tsuna.

"Yes I am. Are you alright? Why are you wearing those uniform?" Asked Gokudera sound desperate.

"I am sorry. Do I know you?" Asked Tsuna with his monotone voice.

Gokudera frown, the others too. Slowly his gripped his hand and again looking straight at Tsuna.

"You know me! We are your family. You are my precious person. I am sorry for what have I done. I have make a big mistake ever in my life by abandon you before. I am really sorry" said Gokudera as his tears start to form in his eyes.

Tsuna just staring at him. Then the others start to apologize to Tsuna too.

"I am at fault, I am the one who suspected you before when the accident happen. I am really sorry Tsuna. Please come back to us, be yourself back. We love you and we want you back" said Yamamoto sadly, there's a crack on his voice.

"Sawada, I am sorry for accusing you before. I should not ever doubt with you from the start. Please, we need you by our side, to laugh with us, to always be our sky. " said Ryohei with determination but also with a hurt expression.

"Tsuna-nii, I miss you so much. I want to see you again" cried Lambo.

"Me too, Tsuna-nii.. I want to play with you again" said Ipin, try to hold her tears.
"Omnivore, you need to come back being yourself" said Hibari, shortly.

"Bossu, I will save you this time. You're my sky from the start. The one who always care for me. It just I am the one who neglect you. To atone for my mistake, I will bring you back!" Said Chrome full of determination.

"Tsuna-san, Haru is sorry. Please come back to us again. I miss your smile" said Haru as her tears flowing down her cheek. Kyoko hold Haru's hand.

"Tsuna-kun, you must come back. Be the old you. I have my faith on you, and I am sure you will come back to us again. I will always wait for you here" said Kyoko with his sweet smile.

After hearing all of his friends word, Tsuna's memories start to resurface. One by one replaying back in his head. A pain in his head cause by the memories resurface, make him gasp in pain. He hold his head tightly and start to feel light headed. He fall to his knee. Byakuran, who standing next to him shocked.

"Tsuna!/juudaime!/tsuna-kun!/tsuna-san!/tsuna-nii!!" The others shouted in unison as they look at Tsuna, who is in pain.

Tsuna slowly rise his head,revealing his pain look and his eyes. There's a light come back to his eyes, it was his usual bright brown eyes which teary.

"..M-minna.." Said Tsuna with pained voice.

"Tsuna!" Shouted Iemitsu as he look at his son, he know his son have come back being himself. He could not help himself not to smile. The others also start to smile gladly and a sigh of relieved could be heard.

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