3 : Betrayed

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Disclaimer : I do not Own KHR.

Beta Reader : PDCircus


Sawada's House





The brunette on the bed slowly waked up, and, moving his hand to pick up the alarm on the table next

to him, he placed it in front of him. 

"Five more minutes, please..." mumbled Tsuna to the clock.


"ah...didn't you hear me? Five more minutes." Said Tsuna, slowly opening his left eye only to realize he

was talking to the alarm. He blushed and facepalmed.

"Ahh!! How can I talk to the clock! Really.. this must be because I was always being awoken by the police

in jail"  mumbled Tsuna to himself as he pushed the clock's off button.

It's already 7.30 in the morning. Tsuna lazily stood up from his bed and went to the bathroom to prepare

himself. He let his eyes closed while walking down the stairs, and, suddenly, he tripped and fell to the


"It hurts.. I'm still unlucky" said Tsuna, standing up while rubbing the soreness off his butt.

"Ara ara.. you fell down again Tsu-kun? Are you okay?" asked Nana from the kitchen. 

"hehe..I'm alright, mom. Don't worry" Tsuna replied as he walked toward his mother. 

"Do you want to go somewhere? You woke up pretty early. " Nana asked, curious.

"Today is Wednesday, mom. Did you forgot?  I need to go to school" Tsuna said.

"Are you ready enough to go to school?" Nana said.

"Of course I am ready. Why are you asking something like that?" Tsuna replied, not getting what his

mother meant.

"Are you ready to face your friends?" Nana said, staring right into his son's eyes. Tsuna froze. He forgot

about his friends acceptance.

Will his friend accept him back. Will they believe in his words?

More likely, will they believe in him?

'Stop. They won't do wrong to me. I have to trust them, they're my friends'

" I still need to face them, son or later. I rather do it now" Tsuna said with a determinated look. Nana


"Alright, then. Go wash yourself first. I'll make breakfast right away." Nana told Tsuna while rubbing his


"ow ow.. mom. It hurts" Tsuna cried, avoiding her hand. Then he walked to the bathroom with a small


"Please be alright, Tsu-kun" Nana mumbled with a sad look.


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