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Chapter 26

Disclaimer: I own nothing from KHR except the plot.

Beta Reader: RazenshiaSapphire08

The Vongola participants of the upcoming battle are in their own base. Meanwhile for Millefiore they are staying at their hideout, placed that attached to a high building.

"They have sent the maps. This is where Tsunayoshi is. We need to aim there. " Spanner said.

"It is quite far. But I think we will manage by using the airbike. Thanks for that Gianini for making it. "Yamamoto said.

"Three minutes has passed. Is everybody ready for combat? " The Cervello cut them from the transmitter, shocking all of them but they still replied them. Both of Millefiore and Vongola side said yes.

"Then, Choice battle starts now!" the Cervello announced.

"Here is box weapon that we have received from Verde. You should know how to use it since he has given you the prototype one before. This one is the upgraded one. " Spanner said as he gave Hibari,Yamamoto and Gokudera. They replied with "Thanks, Spanner-san". Of course not Hibari, he just smirks.

"This one is for you Iemitsu-san" Spanner gave a yellow box to Iemitsu. "Thanks" Iemitsu said shortly.

"Anyways for our strategies, we can only locate the enemy position through the Flame radar. So, Spanner and I will stay here, analyze the data and we will tell you what to do, so the rest of you split up on offense and defense. Gokudera will stay on defense, while for Hibari, Yamamoto and Iemitsu-san will attack the enemies. Then, let us start now." Shoichi explained. All of them nodded their head and run toward the exit with their own motorcycles.

At the same time with Millefiore.

"Tsu-chan, you will stay here, I will guard on you. Meanwhile for Kikyo, Bluebell, Ghost, Torikabuto will attack them. "Byakuran said to all of them.

"Yes Byakuran-sama" All of them bowing at him. Then they fly to their target. Byakuran sit on the throne chair and pull Tsuna so that the brunette sat on him.

"Tsu-chan, are you hurting? Does the flame take your life energy too much?" Byakuran asked Tsuna while holding Tsuna's chin upper so that he could look at Tsuna's beautiful face more clearly.

"I can endure it, Byakuran-sama." Tsuna replied with his monotone voice.

"Yes you can endure it but your life energy is slipping away and you just get well from you fever. It will be bad if you keep endure and if we taking too much time. We need to end this faster. "Byakuran said with a worried voice.

"Then let me fight for you" Tsuna stated as he stand.

"No, you will remain here. "Byakuran said. Then he held his earplug transmitter. "I need all of you defeat the target as soon as possible. " Byakuran ordered his comrade.

"Yes, Byakuran-sama. We will do as fast as we can" Everyone said in unison.


"Take some of the flame that attached at the target mark, Spanner." Shoichi ordered Spanner. Spanner gets up and took a device that absorbs some of the flame at the target mark on Shoichi's chest.

"Got it, I think it was enough for our decoy" Spanner said as he type some button on his computer, then ten decoy come out from table that connected to the computer. The decoys had the flame that been taken before in it.

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