31 : Mujitsu No Sora

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Some example here so that you didn't confuse :




disclaimer: I do not own KHR. I only own the plot of this story.

I am sorry for grammatical errors in this chapter.


Iemitsu walks toward a room with a clutch on both of his armpits, supporting him as he walks by his own. His body is being decorate by bandages with some bruise. He pushes a button, automatically the door open . He enters the door only to be welcome by a brunet,who are currently lying on the bed with some wires on his body, supporting him so that he can continue to breath, continue to live although unresponsive. There's also his son friends. They all are asleep beside his son.

Gokudera is holding on Tsuna's right hand with his head land on the bed as he sitting on the chair. Yamamoto sleeps on the chair at Tsuna's left side. Lambo and Ipin sleep as they are embracing Tsuna's leg.  Ryohei is sleeping on the floor by leaning against the wall. The one who left behind is Hibari ,who is currently sitting on the window sill, looking at the outside world behind the window.

Iemitsu moves closer to his son,observing him with a sad smile.

"is he still didn't response on anything?" Iemitsu asks to the only person who awakes that time, Hibari.

"hn.." Hibari simply replies. If anyone looks closer on the prefect's face, he looks exhaust with dark circle below his eyes.

Iemitsu frowns. He proceeds to sit on the bed, avoid on waking Yamamoto up.They have been waiting by his son side for 3 days already. No wonder they exhaust now. Iemitsu brushes Tsuna's hair, looking straight at his son face.

"Tuna-fish, when are you going to open your eyes? I missed you so much. Don't you feel bad for worrying me and you friends?" Iemitsu says softly at Tsuna, hoping that he will get response from his tuna-fish but nothing came. He sadly sighs.

The door opens revealing Haru,Chrome and Kyoko. They brought foods with them, for the occupants on the room.

"Iemitsu-san! Glad to see that you can walk already. Your injuries getting better now." Haru says to Iemitsu after she puts all the foods that she brought to the table.

"Yeah. My body is healing faster than ordinary people." Iemitsu replies with a loud laugh, waking the rest who are sleeping except Tsuna.

Iemitsu is not angry with them anymore but fells relieve as he got back his son. However, Tsuna didn't wake up nor response at all ever since the end of Choice game. He is becoming a person who is dead inside.

"Iemitsu-sama, I am sorry for sleeping!" Gokudera is bowing in front of Iemitsu, blaming himself for not welcoming Iemitsu nicely.

"It's okay.. I just cime to see my son. It's not like I want you to give me a special welcome." Iemitsu says as he brushes Tsuna's head again.

Silent engulfing them. They know how Iemitsu feels. They feel the same too, waiting and keep on hoping to see the brown eyes open again.

"Don't act like Dame-Tsuna is dead. He still hangs in there. We just need to believe in him like we always do" a voice from the opening door.

"Kid!" Yamamoto shouts Reborn's nickname.

"I am not a kid anymore," Reborn says, looking at Yamamoto with a sharp stare.

"ahaha.. Sorry sorry, can't help myself " Yamamoto laugh, sweat drops. **

Reborn walk toward Tsuna's right side. He then changes the IV drip with a new one because the old one is already empty. Lambo and Ipin look at Reborn's action in awe.

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