The Truth Revealed

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Millifiore : Byakuran's Office in Japan.

*knock knock*

"Come in" said Byakuran, who sit on the office chair  with his foot on the table. On his hand, there's a pack of marshmallow. Slowly, the door opened, revealing Glo Xinia. He walk toward the office table where Byakuran are. 

"I have come back from my mission, Byakuran-sama" said Glo Xinia while bowing at Byakuran with left hand cross his chest. 

"Well done, Glo Xinia. As I expected from you. " said Byakuran while smiling. 

"I am Glo Xinia. I can do anything. Nothing can stop me." said Glo Xinia while laughing. 

"That's why I pick you for this mission. Well, have the Vongola Guardian from past came here?" asked Byakuran again, munching his marshmallow. 

"Yes. Its look like the guardian didn't even believe in their sky. " said Glo Xinia again with devilish smile. 

"You sure have stalking them that deep" said Byakuran, satisfied. 

"Because of your command, sir" said Glo Xinia. 

"So, we will proceed the next stage then. Tell all unit to attack Vongola Headquarters in Italy now. " 

" As you wish, Byakuran-sama" said Glo Xinia as he bowing again. Then he exit the office. 

"We going to pick you now, Tsunayoshi-kun" said Byakuran as he eat his marshmallow again with a smile. Devilish one.


Vongola Mansion in Japan. 

That night, not a single person from the future come to the dining room. Only the people from the past enjoying their meals without thinking they had already make the biggest mistake in their life Chrome , Kyoko and Haru have already feel guilty after what had happen at the beach before, but they need to babysit Lambo and Ipin since they still a child. So, they ignore their feeling for a while.

Suddenly the door of dining room opened widely. All of them stop whatever they are doing. There a person at the door. When the person entering the dining room, they already know who is it. It is Mukuro in the future.

"Mukuro-sama!" shouted Chrome, running toward Mukuro.

"Oya.. Why all of you have become younger?" asked Mukuro as he hold Chrome's chin with one hand, move her head left and right just to make sure he not wrong.

"Umm.. stop looking at me like that. It's embarrassing. " said Chrome, try to cover her blush on her cheek by looking at the others place. Her heart throbbing faster than before.

"Kufufufu.. I love to look at your flush face" said Mukuro as he chuckle.
Then, someone make a cough sound. Chrome break off Mukuro's touch. She look back at the dining table with a bit embarrass to the people sitting there.

"Kufufufu.. Mind if someone explain this to me? I have been left alone at the beach. All of our things and our limousine not there anymore.I need to get a cab just to come back here. " said Mukuro as he starching his tired body.

"Well, why we come back so early? We should be there about 3 days more. " said Mukuro with a bit serious face. Looking straight at the guardians. He could feel something bad already happen.

"We being transported here by Lambo's bazooka. But we can't go back after 5 minutes pass" explain Chrome.

"Then, we found that monster on the ground" said Lambo, look a bit irritated.

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