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Vongola Mansion in Japan.

Ten hour passed. All of the mess in the Vongola Mansion have been cleaned up included Nana's body. She being put in the coffin in her room. Everyone is in a gloomy state, some of them are crying and some of them in their own thought. Nobody reported their current state to Reborn, Iemitsu and Mukuro. They don't have the bravery to confront the three of them after what happen to Nana and Tsuna. Hibari still unconscious because of the blow given by Byakuran accompanied by Kusakabe, who just come back from his research about Millifiore famiglia, given by Hibari himself. 

"What should we do now?" asked Fuuta, silently. 

"I don't know. We fail to do what we have been task of. We fail to protect Mama and Tsuna." said Bianchi with a pain look and gripped her hand tightly. 

"You have already protect us from them. You not fail at all " said Chrome, try to calm Bianchi. 

"But still! I couldn't do anything" said Bianchi a bit angered. 

"nee-san, I am sorry for being weak. I can't even fight them back there" said Gokudera, also frusturated. 

"We need to stop blaming ourselves. Mama and Tsuna-kun will never want us to do that. " said Kyoko, looking at the ground with a tears at her eyes. 

"Kyoko-chan is right." said Haru, embracing Kyoko to comfort her also to herself. 

"I want mama. Why is mama sleeping in the coffin?" asked Lambo, a bit pushing. He want to wake Nana up. 

"Mama is no longer here, Lambo" said Ipin with a tears flowing at her cheek. 

"No! mama is alive! It's all Tsuna's fault. He had a bad omen causing Mama in pain!" screamed Lambo, can't accept the truth.

"What are you talking about Lambo? Tsuna-nii not at fault here. He is a victim too" said Fuuta. He feel bad for his Tsuna-nii, although he is a victim, still others keep blaming him.

"The enemy want to kidnap him from the first. Mama's death also his fault!" stern Ryohei. 

All of them gasp.

"Onii-chan!! stop blaming Tsuna-kun! Why are you still hate him after what had happen?!" shouted Kyoko. She started to cry out of river now. 

"And why are you on his side?! He is a murderer. This is just a payment for his crime!" answered Gokudera with a loud voice, almost angered. 

"Gokudera is right. This is his payment. God knows well, He punished someone who make a treble crime with a crime. Mama's life become a payment for his crime. And now he is nowhere to be found. Serve him right!" said Yamamoto also with angered voice. For him, someone innocent as Mama never should have a son like Tsuna. 

"So, it's true that Tsuna kill Mama? " asked Ipin a bit confuse.

"He is!" shouted Lambo with a tears. Ipin's eyes slowly forming a tears. 

"Why he is so bad?" asked Ipin. 

"No! Ipin, Lambo, you shouldn't say like that. He is not a murderer. You need to have more faith in him. Please. I know and I can feel that Tsuna would never do something like that. All of you too. Please. Please. Trust Tsuna" cried Haru as she sitted on the floor, cupped her face as his tears streaming on her face non-stop. 

"All of you are insane! why are you keep on blaming Tsuna? I know that we don't found a prove yet but you are his friends. Don't you feel sorry of what had happen to him?!" Angered Bianchi. She at his limit now. The kids really don't think much before saying something. 

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