The Battle Continue

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Chapter 28

Disclaimer: I own nothing from KHR.

Beta Reader: RazenshiaSapphire08

"What?!" Gokudera shouted unconsciously, shocked because of the sudden attack from enemy, which he can't even see yet.

"Where are you, dammit! Show yourself now!" Gokudera yelled as he look around to search for his enemy.

"O-ho.. you can't even tell where I am? How about we play hide and seek. Since now I am hiding myself, you just need to figure it out where I am. I am not far from you. " Kikyo challenged Gokudera who already look irritated.

Gokudera already turning his body around searched for his enemy but with no avail to notice him. Uri meowing at Gokudera, wanted his master to calm down. Instantly, Gokudera turned his attention toward Uri, that still meowing at him.

"What do you want?" Gokudera asked Uri, still not understanding what Uri want from him.

"Meow!" Uri still meowing but after he had successfully taken his master's attention, he closed his eyes with a calm face. Looking at Uri reflection, now Gokudera understand what Uri mean. He closed his eyes too and tries to detect his enemy present. After a minute, Gokudera opened back his eyes and bring out Flame arrow then attack at the sky above him. The attack causing Kikyo to reveal himself, of course he does avoid Gokudera's attack.

"Found you!" Gokudera smirked with satisfaction face.

"O-ho, congratulation on finding where I am, but your attack before didn't affect me at all, even for a stretch." Kikyo said proudly.

"You will see what happen to you after the match ended. Fight with me now!" Gokudera shouted at Kikyo. Gokudera opened up his system C.A.I, brought out his round shield and step on it. He is flying to the air at the same level as Kikyo.

"Impressive .Nice one you got there.." Kikyo praised with a mix of mockery.

"Shut up! Just start the battle now!" Gokudera pissed. He started attacking Kikyo with his flame arrow.

Kikyo opened up his cloud box of Carnage and almost immediately his whole body change into human hybrid with wing-shape Cloud flames. He summons an army of Velociraptors and it was shielding him from Gokudera's flame arrow. But the Flame arrow that should destroy everything that been targeted by it not effected at all. Gokudera was shocked.

"W-what?! No way! Just what is that thing? Are you even a human?" Gokudera shocked.

"This thing? This is my army, Velociraptors. Maybe it's true that I am not a human." Kikyo smirked.

Gokudera bit his lips in frustration.

"I will not let you pass" Gokudera said with serious face.

"That may be your intention but I will head for the target, Irie Shoichi." Kikyo maintain his smirk on his face.

"Don't underestimate me!" Gokudera shouted as he held out his right hand which decorated with 5 ring on his fingers. He light on the five ring, revealing rain, sun, thunder, storm and mist flames.

"I will let you feel the power of system C.A.I" Gokudera continued as he brought his hand to his box weapon, five of it. Unfortunately, all of his box weapon being strapped by finger-like root causing it being shut back and Gokudera can't open it. Yes, that is Kikyo work.

"W-what the hell?!" Gokudera stunned.

"O-ho.. Excuse me" Kikyo said as he flew away from Gokudera. Gokudera try to chase Kikyo but because of that finger-like root, the power of his box weapon being sealed because it the extension of system C.A.I. If system C.A.I can't be open, then the same goes to his vongola box. He don't have any power now other than chasing Kikyo using both his feet.

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