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The next day, all of the guardian have start the training with the Alcobaleno. Yamamoto pair with Colonello, Gokudera pair with Fon, Ryohei pair with Reborn, Lambo pair with Verde, Hibari pair with Skull. While Chrome pair with Viper but constantly being help by Mukuro since she is the weakest one of the guardians, she need to be train more that the others and it is her wish actually. For Lal Mirch, she constantly train all of them the military skills just as backup if their flame didn't work.

Hellish. Yes, that the suitable word for the train that given by them. One day feels like a week. That just how to describe how hellish the trains was.

They just start the training this morning but the exhaustions are greater than any of their training before. When it come to dinner,most of them fall asleep on the dining table instead of eating. Kyoko and Haru looking at them with a worried look but later change with a calm one, they know why the guardians train hard, it just because they want to claim back their precious friend.

Wanted to support the others, they making a lot of nutritious food and serve at the dining table which the guardians fall asleep at, try to wake the guardians appetite. But all them just keep their head lie down on the table and hiding their head under their hands. Kyoko and Haru nodded in understanding with each other. They left them sleeping on the table.

Hibari sit straight with his eyes closed at the chair, also exhausted after training with Skull which annoyed him the most but the man are the strongest stunt man. It was hard to make the man hurt. He make a deal with Skull,who hurt the most is the loser which now he is the loser. This make him become irritated to defeat that stunt man.

For Gokudera, he being challenge to defeat Fon one on one, but Fon always make traps causing Gokudera fail to defeat Fon. Fon always practicing calm as his method of fighting which opposite to Gokudera type of fighting. He is a hot-tempered boy who always just attacking without thinking first, and mostly when it come to his juudaime,he just can't keep his head cold. That is the big mistake he currently doing and that will not help him in anything even in defeating Fon. But he still did not realize it.

Yamamoto also have a hard training with Colonello. Colonello start to shoot Yamamoto with his special shoot from a far where he will hid his present from Yamamoto to detect. Yamamoto need to detect his bullet if he want to avoid or defend himself from being shot alive which mostly he fail too. Whatever had happen he didn't give up, he still asking for more. He really determine this time and his usual laugh also have disappear while training. He keep his serious face which is so unusual for someone name Yamamoto.

Yeah, just because he did not have much time anymore and not when Tsuna in danger. His head keep replaying the scene where he try to hold Tsuna's hand but it pass through. He could not save Tsuna from Byakuran before but will save Tsuna for sure this time. He keep that in his head.

Known as number one hitman in the world, Reborn train Ryohei with several types of training. Starting with Ryohei's staminas . Although the white head already known with his high stamina, Reborn resist to acknowledge his stamina, Reborn give a train 2 times harder than usual. Ryohei accept all the train and do as what he told too, he did not even retreat a step back. He went through all of it. The consequent is his body aching badly. He is the one snore loudly than others when he fall asleep at dining table. Ignoring everything around him

Several times Lambo already want to cry out loud because he can't stand anymore. What do they expect from Lambo? He is a child anyways.

The thought of helping his nii-san and to atone his mistake make him became more tough than before. Verde always give a train that causing his body aches, his eyes watery as the trains become harder but he resist to cry. Don't want Verde to annoyed with him and stop the training. In the other hand, Verde start to collect information about Lambo's Thunder flame and started to making a new weapon, Box Weapon.

Chrome also doing as good as she can in her training with Viper. Before she started the training with the mist alcobaleno, she do a talk with Mukuro. Asking for opinion which side she need to improve so that she will not burden others when in fighting. Mukuro said what is her weakness and about her organ which is Mukuro's illusion, Mukuro gives Verde's mist weapon looks like a glove which helps to make the illusion real. Mukuro tell her to make her own organ to replace her missing organs. She do what as she being told and it was a success.

Viper start her training also by fighting against Chrome, just like the others. This time without the help of Mukuro. Chrome trying her best but this future Viper is much stronger than before when she fighting against her when they are fighting with Varia in the past. Maybe because this future Viper already in her grown up body which her power that being sealed before have been release fully.

At the end of the fighting, Chrome even can't stand up by her own feet anymore, exhausted and worn out. Viper end the training with a sigh, she did not expect she is this weak. Chrome heard this feeling a bit disappointed but she let her head up again and tell Viper that she will take the other challenge and begging her for another chance. Viper let out a smirk and give a second chance for Chrome.

Iemitsu can't be found since yesterday event. He did not come to dining room, even can't be found in his room. He just disappear and no one know where he was. Reborn just keep quiet about this because he know what iemitsu is doing, he know that the pale blond man for sure trains by himself. The man had said before that he will also participate in the Choice game. And Reborn also want him to calm himself after what have happen to his family, the person he dear most, Nana and Tsuna. The teenagers from the past did not ever mention his name after his outburst toward them. They scared and guilty toward the man.


Two days passed, yet nothing info being told to them about Choice Game that have been challenge by Byakuran. And the feeling of worried toward Tsuna after Reborn's shot still did not left them including Reborn himself. How is Tsuna? Did he eat well? How are his conditions? That all the questions keep replaying in their head.

Until in the evening, Fuuta come back with a box which he claim that comes from Millefiore famiglia. All of them comes to the meeting room, Iemitsu also have been inform about this and he participate in the meeting. They sat at the round table in the meeting room and Iemitsu start to open the box. They can not help themselves for not being nervous about this.

All their eyes pointing on the box and once it being opened, they could see a square device, a small one. The size is as big as person palm and it look light. Iemitsu brought the device out of the box and place it at the table. They look at it with a weird look.

"What is that thing? Is it a toy?" Asked Lambo, try to touch it but his hand being slap by Gokudera.

"Stupid-cow! don't touch it. We don't know what is that " said Gokudera with an angried look.

"Don't shouted at Lambo. He still a kid" angried Haru while hugging Lambo, try to calm the boy who nearly crying.

"Tch.." Said Gokudera while looking at the other place.

" There a button above it." Said Yamamoto as he try to push the button. Gokudera's eyes widen.

"Stop,yakyu baka! Arkk!!" Shouted Gokudera but it's too late. After Yamamoto push the button, there a big smoke come from the device. The smoke surrounded them, causing all of them to cough. Reborn, Iemitsu, Bianchi,Mukuro and Hibari already in fighting stance, preparing if anything bad happen but the only thing the could see after the smoke disappear is a honogram of Byakuran. Standing at the table with a scene of an office. All of them focusing on Byakuran's honogram.
"Hahaha.. Hello there, Vongola famiglia. Have you wait for me?" Laughed Byakuran.

"You.. Don't waste our time anymore" said Ryohei, grap his hand tightly.

"Hahaha..not a patient person are you?"replied Byakuran.

" Where is Tsuna? How is he?" Asked Iemitsu with a stern voice. He is worried about his son but he will never show it to that white hair man.

"hmmm.. Do you want to see him?" Asked Byakuran with a question look while placing his mid finger on his lips.

"I am" said Iemitsu, shortly.

"Okay then" said Byakuran, closing his eyes and claps his hand twice, not forgetting about his too sweat smile.

"Tsu-chan, come here."


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