The Battle

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In the Future, 3 days passed after Tsuna being taught with the new technique by Byakuran.

The battle between Tsuna and Six Funeral Wreath will be held in two minutes more. That time is when Byakuran, who are wearing his usual white suit arrived at the battle area with Tsuna, who now wearing the same cloth as Byakuran, walking together. As soon as Byakuran come inside the battle area, he was greeted by the members of Six Funeral Wreath.

"Byakuran-sama, it's been a while. I miss you already," Bluebell said while running and hugging Byakuran.

"Haha.. I am sorry for my long disappearance. I have my hand full of task" Byakuran apologized while patting Bluebell's head.

"Hey, put your hands off from Byakuran-sama" Zakuro snarled at Bluebell.

"Blekk.. You're just jealous, you can't do this." Bluebell exclaimed as she let her tongue out.

"O-ho, fighting already" said Kikyo while putting his fingers at his chin.

"Byakuran-sama, who is the person next to you? He looks familiar."Daisy asked while hugging his bunny stuff toy.

"Daisy is right, you didn't even introduce him to us yet" Torikabuto exclaimed.

"I forgot, gomen gomen. Tsu-chan, come here. "Byakuran apologized.Tsuna walk to his side. Byakuran release Bluebell and let his hand patting on Tsuna's head. Tsuna just stood still there.

"This is Tsunayoshi Sawada. The past one." Byakuran introduced with his playful smile towards them. The Six Funeral Wreath back away suddenly, they bring out all of their weapon and already in fighting stance.

"Get away from Byakuran-sama!" Zakuro shouted as he run toward Tsuna and want to attack Tsuna but being stopped by Byakuran. All of them shocked.

"Why are you protecting him, Byakuran-sama?" Bluebell inquired with disbelief. Zakuro back away, letting his weapon down.

"Relax you guys; he is our alley from now on. He doesn't have his own mind, all of him is mine. " Byakuran stated as he do one intro to them.

"Tsunayoshi Sawada, who are you belong?"Byakuran asked with serious tone.

"I'm belong to Byakuran-sama." Tsuna replied as he bow his head toward Byakuran with full respect. Byakuran let his smile out. He is impressed with Tsuna's attitude.

"Look at that. Don't you feel he is obedient toward me?" Byakuran exclaimed to the six people in front of him as he asked Tsuna to stand straight back.

The six peoples let their weapon down. Then they also smile, but in a dark way.

"I never thought he will submit to you, Byakuran-sama. You sure are the strongest one. " Kikyo said.

"He is a puppet now?" Daisy asked in amazement. He's walking around Tsuna and start touching Tsuna's body like he never saw Tsuna before.

"Yup, he is. And he will only obey me" Byakuran beamed and then start laughing.

"Just how could you do that?" This is unbelievable. Before, it never worked against Vongola" Bluebell asked.

"Byakuran-sama is brilliant, so no wonder he could control Vongola." Zakuro exclaimed with a satisfied smile.

"You're not using any mist flame. Just how you could do that?"Torikabuto questioned as he observed Tsuna.

"Just a little dark flame that I have learn from other parallel world. " Byakuran smiled.

"So, what are you going to do with him?" Ghost inquired from behind.

"He is going to be my assistant from now on. But before that, he will fight all of you today. The person who injured most, need to be replace their position with him." Byakuran answered with a smirk and his eyes being open in a sharp look.

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