5 : Misunderstanding

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Disclaimer : I do not own anything except for the plot of this story.

Beta reader : PDCircus


The pink smoke started to disappear, revealing all the past guardians standing there. Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Lambo, Chrome, I-pin, Haru and Kyoko. Tsuna was shocked, the others were too.

"Hahii, what’s that smoke?" asked Haru.

"WOW! THAT SMOKE WAS EXTREME!" shouted past Ryohei.

“I never thought we could get blown out by the bazooka." Said past Yamamoto.

"Aho-shi! I’ve said it before. Don't play with that Bazooka. Now we’re in trouble." Said past Gokudera, annoyed.

"Ga...ma...n... huaargggg!! Baka-dera’s scolding at me!" cried past Lambo.

"Gokudera, please stop shouting at Lambo " said past Kyoko, trying her best to calm Lambo down.

"Lambo, you shouldn't cry. You are not a baby anymore" said past I-pin.

"I’ll stop crying if you give me some candy" said Lambo.

"Here, Lambo" said past Chrome as she handed some grape candy to Lambo.

"Yay!!" shouted Lambo happily.

"tch.. Like I care about that Aho-ushi" said Gokudera, walking straight only to stop the moment he sees Tsuna on the ground, his eyes widening.

"What are you doing here, murderer?! Stop appearing in front of me!" shouted angered Gokudera.

The other, curious, looked at said person. It was Tsuna. All of them stiffened and some of them were already walking away. Ryohei walked to the front of the group and stood so he could cover Kyoko from Tsuna.

"Hayato! Mind your words!" a sterned Bianchi screamed. She didn't like how his brother behaved towards Tsuna, even after everything Tsuna already sacrificed for his family. She of course meant future Tsuna, but nonetheless future or past, Tsuna will always be still Tsuna.

"Why are you all scared of Tsuna?" asked Reborn as he looked one by one the guardians and girls. All of them turned their head to another direction, wanting to avoid the question. But Lambo answered it anyway.

"Tsuna-nii murdered people in our past. That's why Lambo-san hates him" said Lambo.

Reborn and Bianchi were surprisingly shocked.

'So, It is about the tragedy. Everyone in the future already forgot about that. It's just a misunderstood anyway.' Thought Reborn.

Tsuna couldn't do anything, say anything. He was still shocked.


With Nana and Iemitsu.

Both of them were enjoying every moment together. It was their honeymoon too, being arranged by Tsuna.

And suddenly, a loud explosion happened, making them worriedly try to look at their only son. There was some kind of pink smoke surrounding Tsuna. Nana started to panic.

"Dear, that was an explosion. Tsuna’s in danger! We got to help him" said Nana, already getting up from his previous position.

"Don't worry Nana. It's just a toy they’re playing with" lied Iemitsu.

"Is it? Oh, alright then" said Nana. But before she could sit back, she heard someone screaming and yelling.

"Are they really okay?" asked Nana, worried. She tried to look at his son’s face.

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