Side Story : Byakuran's past

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Special chapter for all of you. Enjoy!


Some example here so that you didn't confuse :


disclaimer: I do not own KHR. I only own the plot of this story.

I am sorry for grammatical errors in this chapter.


"Hello, are you okay? Why are you crying? "A voice asked him who are currently crying with his face on his knee. Byakuran took a peak at the owner of the voice. It was a boy with spiky brown hair and large brown eyes. He had a small frame and look like five years old. The boy then sat next to him, give him a huge smile.

"Leave me alone. I want to be alone right now." Byakuran stated with a stern voice. He wiped all his remaining tears, try to look strong.

The boy ignored his word. "I am Sawada Tsunayoshi. What is your name?" The brunette introduced himself, on the same time asked for Byakuran's name.

"Don't you hear me? I said leave me alone! I don't need any friend!" Byakuran yelled toward the boy and walk away, leaving the brunette alone at the playground.


Three day later, Byakuran go to the playground again. This is the only place that makes him calm without any of his family or bodyguards around him. They are just making him more annoyed by ordering him around without his own free will. He just want to be alone, live freely like normal person but because of his family reputation, he need to become other person, a person who look perfect in every way. He just hates that. His father and mother already decide all his future path and what he should do without discussing with him. He is only a playing tool of his parent.

He sat on the same bench as yesterday and stares into nothing, thinking about his problem again and again. He really wants to escape from Millefiore famiglia. Yes, it was one of the mafia families, but he just can't live under mafia anymore.

"You have come here again. I am glad. Want some marshmallow? It's delicious" the brunette offered Byakuran a pack of marshmallow toward Byakuran. Byakuran look at him with annoyed look.

"What are you doing here again? I have said that I don't want to be your friend. Can't you just leave me alone?!" Byakuran said with a mix of angry. The brunette looked at him with a sad expression.

"I don't want you to be alone; I always notice you came here and each time, you look sad. I don't want to see you sad again. That is why; I want to be your friend. I can show you many things that will cheer you up. I will show you how awesome this world is. Come with me!" the brunette pulled Byakuran's hand. Byakuran try to resist but avail because the brunette hold just too strong, the brunette don't have any intention of letting him go. Sighed, Byakuran just follow the brunette.

The brunette brought him to a field that has many kids playing kite there. The brunette asked him to sit on bench outside the field and give him the same pack of marshmallow that the brunette have offered before. Byakuran hesitate at first but he took it anyway. The brunette smile innocently as Byakuran took it.

"Let watch them playing kite while eating marshmallow. You will find it interesting." The brunette said again while he turns his attention at the scenery in front of them. Byakuran follows.

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