Future Yamamoto's Dairy

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A week passed since they last see their precious Tsuna. Each day passed with new knowledge and new abilities. All of the vongola guardian really do their best on their trains with their own tutor. Their strength also have increasing since then, it all thanks to Lal Mirch's Military train. Even Chrome now can run two times faster than before and their resistance toward attacks also increased.

Now, 10 days have passed, they need to create their own techniques, so that they can defeat the Alcobaleno as they have deal before. Each of them think hard about it, even when they are about to sleep and eating. Now their trains with the Alcobaleno have finished, most of the day they will thinking about it.

Gokudera, Ryohei and Lambo are suggested by Reborn to think of a new technique together which being rejected by Gokudera instantaneously. Reborn give him a sharp glares and causing Gokudera to accept the idea.

"Look at this, Bakadera. The candy can be stick together" said Lambo while playing with his grape candy der the table.

"Woa!! That awesome Lambo" shouted Ryohei, while touching the candies.

Gokudera just silent, reading the book while try to keep his calm. There a hint of angry could be see in his aura.

"Bakadera,Bakadera.. Look at this. Look" said Lambo,showing his candies. Trying his best to take the teen attention. He bored just sitting there doing nothing since 2 hours ago.

Gokudera snapped. " can you be serious about what we are doing now?! We only have 3 days left before the trial with the alcobaleno! Turthead! Stop damaging the book!"

Ryohei who are currently flipping the book harshly, stop his movement. "I doing nothing like you said Octopus head!"

"I'm bored, Bakadera. Can't we stop already? I don't understand at all what the books say." Said Lambo,unsatisfied.

"You're flipping the pages to harsh! Look, most of it already torn out. Ahh.. This is why I don't want to combining with both of you!" Annoyed Gokudera.

"Both of them didn't have a good brain as you Gokudera" said Reborn as he entering the library and walk toward them.

"Reborn-san!" Said Gokudera.

"They are the type who will learn from practical. Why don't you just train with them and applying what you have got from the books."said Reborn.

"Tch.. What a troublesome brat" said Gokudera. Then he said again while looking at both Ryohei and Lambo. "Come with me". He walk out the room. Ryohei and Lambo following with joy. At last they could go somewhere else.


Yamamoto were sitting on his future self's office table. He try to open the drawer and found a dark blue notebook. Curious, he took out the notebook and opened it. He flip the pages one by one, reading its content. It is his future self's dairy. He keep flipping on till he stop on one page.

'I noticed,Tsuna acting wierd today. He keeps looking on the watch, even when we are eating lunch. Not only me who noticed this, the others too. Kyoya also keep staring on Tsuna, I think maybe he worried to with Tsuna's behavior.

Hayato asked Tsuna if he worried about something but as we know Tsuna , he never want us to worried about him. He said he is fine and nothing bothering him but we could sense it, he lied.

That evening, he disappears. We couldn't found him anywhere. And supposed he didn't have any appointment according to Hayato. All of us panicked. We tried to contact him but cannot pass through. He was offing his phone. We become more worried, and start to search for him everywhere. But still can't be found. We called for our allies to confirm with them if Tsuna even see them today but no. He didn't go see them.

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