Chapter 10- Am I Taking This Too Far?

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[Sorry, really love this pic too! And I thought about it and decided to add something to the titles! So enjoy!💜]

[Next day]

[Julia's POV]

My combat boots, clanked on be ground as I walked. My heart raced, my head was filled with memories of last night. The blood from Pete, stained my hands. His face, the way he said he loved me, I pictured it in my head. The way he kissed me, I remembered it as I licked my lips. I began to where cherry lip balm to remember Pete's lips.

My boots clanked down the hall, passing empty classrooms because it was a weekend. My heart was beating faster and faster. I was going to go talk to my dad about last night. I was scared he was going to let Pete walk away from me forever. But I had faith that he wouldn't.

I soon felt the cold air from the air conditioning coming from my dad's classroom.

"Why is it always cold in here?"I asked, shivering.

My dad didn't answer me. He just sat down at his desk and looked at me, sadly.

"Grab a chair and take a seat. We need to talk..."he told me.

I grabbed a chair and saw down, nervously. I didn't want him to yell or be mad. I wanted him to forgive me for what I did. I knew I shouldn't have kissed anyone, knowing the rule, but I felt like I had to kiss Pete. I liked him, a lot!

"Julia, you know my rule. Why did you kiss him?"my dad asked.

"I like him, a lot. Well, I love him."I told him.

A tear came from one of his eyes. He wiped it and looked at me.

"You love him?"he asked.

I nodded. My dad shook his head and fell apart. He started crying.

"I should have known as I saw you two kissing last night. I just went off cause, cause I didn't want to see. I didn't want you to kiss anyone because I still look at you like you're my little girl, that used to run around and not care for boys. I still look at you and want to hold you like you were a baby again. I just didn't want to see you grow up like this, and start seeing it by you kissing someone..."he explained.

A tear stroke down my face. He was my dad. He still cared for me. He didn't want me to grow up, but I had to. I missed the young memories of using walking down the pier and watching the the fish swim and see the sun set. I missed it. But I was all grown up, ready for love, ready to leave and be out on my own. I was 19, about to turn 20 in a month. I was a young women, you can say.

"Dad.."he cut me off.

Really? Guys, stop cutting me off!

"I know I hurt..."he said and stopped, not knowing my friend's name.

"Pete,"I told him.

"Pete. I know I hurt Pete and I was stupid. I didn't mean to. I just didn't want you to grow up, kiss boys, get together with one. I wasn't ready for all that, but I guess you are ready. You don't need me to be there on your shoulder telling you, you can't love him, you can't kiss him. I guess I was just too protective. And I'm sorry, Julia, for everything! I'll let you be independent, loving who ever you want, kissing who ever you want."

I smiled. "Thank you! And, I forgive you, dad."

He got up from his desk chair and walked over to me. He hugged me, tight. I missed this, I remembered when I would run up to him and hug him when he would come home from a long day of work. I missed it all.

"I love you, sweet heart!"he said.

"I love you too, dad,"I told him.

He soon let me go and I was happy. He understood that I was growing up and needed to have someone to hold in my arms. That someone was someone I loved. Pete.

[Anna's POV]

Julia was going to see her dad and talk about what happened last night. I knew what happened. I heard her scream last night and saw Pete, bleeding and needed help. To be a good friend, I help Julia with her, well, future boyfriend. She told me that she didn't like Pete. SHE LOVED HIM.

Speaking of loving, I wanted to tell Patrick I loved him today. But I didn't know how! I kept thinking. Should I go to his dorm and tell him? Should I wait to see him? Should I text him or call him? I didn't know!

I was in my dorm, writing a song. I started to write a couple words after the beginning of the chorus. It was:

Oh h*ll yes
I'm a nervous wreck
Oh h*ll yes
The drugs just make me reset

(I'm using West Coast Smoker by Fall Out Boy. I'm pretending she's writing it. So don't be mad! I have an idea!😉)

As I wrote, I was thinking of Patrick. Oh, I loved his lips. I wanted them on mine! The way he kissed me so aggressively, I wanted to kiss him forever!

As I thought about new lyrics for the chorus, I heard three gentle knocks on the door. I got up and heard two more knocks.

"Hold on! I'm coming!"I said.

I opened the door and saw a face that made me smile. The eyes sparkled. The smile got me. Patrick!

"Patrick!"I said.

I came up to him and embraced him, sharing his warmth. I let go and looked at him.

"Hey, Anna!"he said. He looked at me nervously.

"I uh, I came here to see if you, maybe, uh, wanted to go to the movies with me?"Patrick asked.

I smiled. Yes! That's when I knew it was the right time to tell him I loved him. I know we just met but I felt like I knew him all my life for some reason. I practiced in my head, the way to say yes to his question.

Yes, I will baby!

Eh, no! Baby, really, Anna? Too much!

I would love to!

Yes! I was going to use that.

"I would love to!"I told him.

He smiled and so did I. I looked at his lips and wanted to kiss him. I looked up and down at his lips, then to his eyes. He pulled me close to him, grabbing my face in between his hands. His lips were instantly on mine. I loved it. I loved him, but did I have the urge to tell him? Or am I taking this too far?
Yay! Two chapters today! I don't know, but I might post another one today. If not, I'll post tomorrow! Love you all!😘

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