Chapter 44- And The Haters Are Gonna Hate

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[Julia's POV]

I was lying in my bed, next to Pete. We had no shirt on, only having our jeans on and my bra on. Of course, we had a make out session. And I missed them so much. It brought us closer together in our relationship. He was hugging me tight as we were beginning to fall asleep.

"Pete...?"I said half asleep.


"How about you and me go to the beach together tomorrow, just you and me?"I asked Pete.

I wanted us to go somewhere together for us to be alone and enjoy each other's company. Pete kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"I would love to, baby!"Pete said. "Goodnight my princess!"

I kissed his arm, the only part of him I could touch in the dark.

"Goodnight my cutie!"

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep, with Pete's arms wrapped around me.

[Anna's POV]

Patrick and I just came back from the movies. Me and him were by his door when he told me he had to go.

"Okay, I'll see you later?"I said to him.

He smiled, then his phone buzzed. The smile soon faded away.

"Uh, you alright?"I asked.

He looked up at me and put his phone away. He tried to smile.

"Uh, yeah! It was just my mom. She was just seeing how I was doing!"he told me.

I nodded, wondering if that was a lie. If it was his mom wondering how he was doing, then why did he look sad? I smiled back at him and nodded.

"Okay, well goodnight Patty!"I said and kissed his cheek.

He blushed and kissed my cheek.

"Night, baby!"he responded.

I saw him unlock his door and opened it. He looked at me with a wink and closed the door. I smiled as I saw him leave. Oh I loved Patrick. He's always so loving to me!

I began to walk away with the thought of Patrick. But when I started to leave, I heard a bang on his door. I quickly turned around, wondering what happened. I ran to his door and opened it. Patrick was crying next to his bed and he looked at me.

"Patrick, what's wrong?"I asked.

I tried to step in his dorm, when I felt his phone underneath my foot. I picked it up.

"What made you throw your phone?"I asked.

He shook his head.

"I-It's nothing! It's just my mom..."he replied.

"Patrick, if it was your mom, then why would she make you mad and cry like this?"I questioned.

He just looked at me as he cried. I looked at his phone.

"Anna, don't look, please!"he said.

I didn't listen to Patrick. I looked at his phone. Instagram showed. A picture of me and Patrick together popped up from when I posted it earlier. I saw my comment, saying,"Date night with my beautiful baby tonight! Love you Patty! @patrickstump" Underneath the my comment I saw some comments. Not just any comments, hate comments.

"Why is she dating that ugly a**? Look at him! He's so ugly!"

"She calls this guy beautiful? I call him trash!"

"He's nothing but a looser. Why would she date him?"

"She can do so much better than this dork. Who wears fedoras with nerdy glasses? Oh right, f**s like him!"

"I bet he's only dating her because she's famous!"

"Anna from #thefallenangels needs to do better! He's just an ugly, fat looser!"

"Why him? Why not me? Anna, I'm better than that guy! At least I'm not an ugly piece of s*** like him!"

The hate comments went on. Why would they say that? I love Patrick! I began to cry because of their mean comments. They are just jealous fans. That's what I should think. I walked over to Patrick and sat down next to him.

"Baby, these aren't true! They are just trying to get to your head! You're not ugly or fat. You're not a piece of s*** or a f**. And you're not a looser or trash! Patrick, your a cute, sweet, amazing guy. Don't listen to them. They are just jealous cause they can't have the best guy ever because he's taken by me! Patrick, please don't believe them!"I told him.

He nodded. "Anna, I'm not dating you because you're famous."

I nodded. "I know Patrick. I know, baby. Just forget about what they said!"

I looked at his phone and looked through the rest of the comments. I pointed to the screen.

"See, some aren't bad!"I said.

"Aw! She's so lucky to have a guy like him! He seems so sweet!"

"That guy looks adorable! She deserves him!"

"She picked the right guy to date! He seems like a good boyfriend. I need a boyfriend like that!"

"I ship them! They are so cute together!"

"If they were getting married, I wish I was there because I except them!"

I saw Patrick smiling as I put down his phone.

"See? People think you are adorable and sweet, and a good boyfriend!"I told him.

He nodded and kissed me.

"Yeah. Am I a good boyfriend?"Patrick asked me.

I nodded with a smile. "Of course, Patty! You take me out places, you buy me stuff that I don't deserve, you kiss me, you except me for who I am. And most of all, you love me. There's no one else I rather be in love with."

I saw Patrick blush underneath his glasses. I took them off and looked into his eyes.

"You're the best thing I've ever had."I smiled and kissed him.

He pulled away and looked at me.

"How did I get so lucky to have a girl like you?"he asked me.

I shrugged with a smiled. "I don't know, but know, I'm worth keeping!"

He did a small giggle and kissed me. His kiss was passionate. And he didn't want to pull away. I'm happy I got him not to believe the hate comments. Those people are just jealous. They are just haters. And if they don't like who I'm dating, then screw them! I'm not breaking up with my Patty because someone says he's not good enough for me. If they think that, it won't get to my head. I'm going to love whoever I want to love. And I love Patrick, no one else.
Yes, I got to post one today! I'm so happy! I've been waiting all day to write. I hope you guys like this chapter! Next one coming soon!💙✨

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